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Zouave Magazine was published in the 1980’s and 1990’s, catering to American Civil War miniatures gamers.  Ivor Janci of Marek/Janci Design was the publisher for the second portion of Zouave’s run.  It has since been replaced by Scott Mingus’ Charge!: The Official Newsletter of the Johnny Reb Gaming Society.

Note: Petersburg Campaign scenarios from Zouave will begin to appear only after the seven current Charge! Petersburg Campaign scenarios have been posted.

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  • Sam Wilson, Jr. February 17, 2016, 3:54 pm

    Hi Folks,

    I am looking hard for a set of the Shenandoah: A Civil Wars Miniatures Campaign System rules. Can anybody out there help me? Modest finder’s fee available for any assistance.

    Thanks for any consideration.

    Sam, Jr.

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