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CHARGE! is a miniature wargaming newsletter / fanzine published quarterly by the Johnny Reb Gaming Society, headquartered in York, Pennsylvania. It is designed for gamers of the American Civil War period, and in particular, those who use the popular Johnny Reb 3 gaming system developed by John Hill.

Each issue contains 2-4 original scenarios depicting historical battles at the regimental level, as well as articles on gaming strategy, tips on making wargaming terrain and accessories, painting guides, product reviews, and articles of interest to the Civil War gamer. Each digitally printed issue is normally between 24–28 pages, with spot color maps and full color photographs.

Four issues of the newsletter / magazine accompany the annual membership in the Johnny Reb Gaming Society (international or American), a nonprofit hobby organization created for regimental ACW gaming enthusiasts. Articles are written by members, as well as guest authors such as John Hill.1

  1. Charge! Wikipedia Entry ↩
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