No. 129. Report of Lieutenant Colonel James W. Snyder, Ninth New York Heavy Artillery, of operations March 25.1
April 16, 1865.
I have the honor to report the following to be the part taken by the Ninth New York Artillery in the assault upon the enemy’s picket-line in front of Petersburg, March 25, 1865:
Two battalions of the regiment were sent into Fort Fisher to repel any attack in case we should be driven back to our main works. The other battalion was formed in line in rear of our picket-line. We
advanced in good order, under a heavy fire of musketry, to our picket-line, where we halted for about thirty minutes, when at a given signal we charged across a deep marsh or swamp. The battalion occupying the extreme left of the line, being some [what] farther from the enemy’s line than the other portions of the line, did not reach it as soon as the other parts, but we were not far behind, capturing the rebel pickets in our front.
Sergt. Cornelius Flannery, Company I, particularly distinguished himself in the assault by his bravery; Capts. Chauncey Fish and Henry J. Rhodes (the latter having been wounded, but would not leave the field) deserve great credit for their gallantry, and for their exertions in urging the men forward to the assault.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding.
Captain W. L. SHAW,
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.