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OR XLVI P1 #102: Report of Lieutenant Colonel Chauncey P. Rogers, 83rd PA, March 25, 1865

No. 102. Report of Lieutenant Colonel Chauncey P. Rogers, Eighty-third Pennsylvania Infantry, of operations March 25.1

March 28, 1865.

CAPTAIN: I have the honor to report that, in obedience to orders received, I moved with my command on the morning of the 25th instant to the field in front of Third Brigade headquarters, and there awaited orders. At 9 a.m. I received orders to follow the One hundred and eighteenth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, which I did in all its peregrinations. About 6 p.m., from near the Smith house, moved out with other regiments of the brigade to, as I understood, support General Miles’ division of the Second Corps. After arriving in rear of General Miles’ line I was requested by Colonel —, commanding a brigade of the Second Corps, to support him, which I did in a desperate assault on the dense woods in our front. My regiment was not at any time during the day engaged with the enemy. Two enlisted men, severely wounded by random shots, was the only loss I sustained. Shortly before midnight, with other regiments of the brigade, I returned to my old camp.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding.

Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.


  1. The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Volume XLVI, Part 1 (Serial Number 95), page 275 ↩
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