Numbers 276. Report of Brigadier General Joseph B. Carr, U. S. Army, commanding Third Division, of operations July 29-31.1
Near Petersburg, Va., August 3, 1864
MAJOR: In obedience to orders from headquarters Eighteenth Army Corps, I have the honor to make the following report of the part taken by my command in the operations of July 30, 1864:
On the 29th ultimo, agreeably to orders received from headquarters Department of Virginia and North Carolina, I reported to Major-General Ord, commanding the Eighteenth Army Corps, for duty. I was assigned to the command of the Third Division, Eighteenth Army Corps (U. S. Colored Troops), and temporarily assigned to the command of the First Division of the same corps, with instructions to visit the line of works occupied by the Ninth Army Corps, Major-General Burnside commanding, for the purpose of obtaining information as to the position I was to occupy with my command; which I did immediately. At 11 p.m. 29th ultimo my command was relieved by a portion of
General Mott’s division, of the Second Army Corps, and moved in the direction of General Burnside’s headquarters, arriving there at 12 p.m. The Second Brigade, U. S. Colored Troops, Colonel Duncan commanding relieved General Ledlie’s command and a portion of General Potter’s command in the trenches. The Second and Third Brigades of the First Division relieved General Willcox’s command, and the First Brigade was held in reserve in rear of the Second Brigade, U. S. Colored Troops.
At 12 m. of the 30th I relieved a portion of General Turner’s command with the First Brigade, First Division. My command was not engaged out of the trenches.
The Second and Third Brigades, First Division, were relieved on the night of the 30th, without my knowledge, by General Willcox’s command, and the balance of my command was relieved on the night of the 31st, and marched to the position they formerly occupied, in rear of corps headquarters.
I herewith inclose a list of casualties.*
I am, major, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Assistant Adjutant-General, Eighteenth Army Corps.
*Not found.