Numbers 265. Reports of Colonel Edgar M. Cullen, Ninety-sixth New York Infantry, commanding First Brigade,of operations June 20-30.1
Jun 26, 1864.
SIR: I have the honor to make the following report of the action of the 24th instant, in which this brigade was engaged:
About 7 a.m. the enemy opened a heavy fire from probably twenty pieces, in battery on the left bank of the Appomattox, on the line occupied by this brigade. The fire enfiladed the pits, but having given the greatest possible attention to the traverses the night before it was harmless. This lasted for an hour, after which the enemy, having greatly relied on the efficacy of their artillery fire, attempted to carry our works. They advanced probably in two lines of battle, but in a very short time were most handsomely repulsed. The line in advance not being able to retire was captured almost entirely, consisting of some 150, of whom 5 were officers. The attack did not extend beyond the front occupied by our brigade. The greatest credit is due both to the officers and men of this command, which the ease with which they repulsed the enemy only enhances.
I have the honor to name Lieutenant-Colonel Raulston, who took command after I received a sunstroke; Major Pierce, commanding Ninety-sixth New York Volunteers; Captain Kreutzer, Ninety-eighth New York Volunteers, and Captain Fitzpatrick, One hundred and thirty-ninth New York Volunteers, who went beyond the lines and brought in some prisoners, is especially worthy of mention.
The list of casualties has already been forwarded.
I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Colonel, Commanding First Brigade.
Assistant Adjutant-General, First Division.
July 1, 1864.
SIR: Agreeable to orders, I have the honor to report the operations of this brigade.
On the 20th [21st] ultimo we moved at daybreak toward this [point], and at night we relieved a portion of the Sixth Corps occupying the right of the second line and one regiment supporting Regan’s battery on the right of the ravine. We remained in this position on the 21st [22d] and 22nd [23d] ultimo. At night we relieved the Second Brigade. The next morning [24th] the enemy opened a very heavy fire, enfilading our lines, from some twenty or more guns across the Appomattox. This continued for two hours, when the enemy endeavored to carry our position by assault. Hagood’s brigade made the attack. They were easily repulsed, but our men having reserved their fire it was impossible for many to get back. Thus 150 with some 4 or 5 officers including the commander of the regiment, fell into our hands. We have receipts from the provost-marshal of the division for 130. The attack did not extend beyond the front of our brigade at least more than a few yards. Our loss amounted to 57 killed, wounded, and missing; that of the enemy could not have been less than 400. In this line the brigade remained until night of the 25th ultimo, when relieved in turn by Burnham’s, when it marched back to its old camp, where it rested the two next days. At night of the 27th ultimo it relieved Burnham and reoccupied its old line during the 28th and 29th ultimo until relieved.
On the 30th, at 3 p.m., I reported with the command to General Turner and was placed as support to the assaulting [column]. Though under a heavy fire, we were [not] actively engaged, and our casualties amounted to 5. The contemplated advance proving impracticable, or unsuccessful at least, this brigade was moved back to its former camp, where it now is.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Colonel Ninety-sixth New York Vols., Commanding First Brigade.
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.