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OR XL P1 #109: Report of Captain R. Bruce Ricketts, Btty F 1st PA Lt Arty, June 12-July 1, 1864

Numbers 109. Report of Captain R. Bruce Ricketts, Battery F, First Pennsylvania Light Artillery, of operations June 12-July 1.1


SIR: *

June 12 and 13, marched with Second Army Corps to Wilcox’s Landing, on the James River.

June 14, encamped near Wilcox’s Landing.

June 15, crossed the river at Wilcox’s Landing.

June 16, marched to near Petersburg with Second Army Corps, and took position on left of the line; fire ten rounds; no casualties.

June 17, in same position; not engaged.

June 18, took position on Birney’s line; shelled the city of Petersburg; fired 362 rounds; no casualties.

June 19, in same position; not engaged; one man seriously wounded.

June 20, Lieutenant Brockway’s section on front line; fired sixteen rounds.

June 21, marched to the left with Second Army Corps.

June 22, not in position.

June 23, in position on right of plank road, on Gibbon’s line; fired forty-four rounds.

June 24, in same position; fired 242 rounds; no casualties.

The balance of the month not in position.

Total ammunition expended, 1,480 rounds.

Total casualties: 2 men killed, 5 severely wounded; 9 horses killed, 9 wounded.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Captain First Pennsylvania Light Artillery, Commanding Battery F.

Lieutenant U. D. EDDY,

Actg. Asst. Adjt. General, Artillery Brigade, Second Corps.


*For portion of report (here omitted) covering operations from May 4 to June 12, 1864, see Vol. XXXVI, Part I, p. 531.



  1. The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Volume XL, Part 1 (Serial Number 80), page 438 ↩
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