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OR XL P1 #64: Report of Colonel John Ramsey, 8th NJ, commanding 2/2/II/AotP, June 12-16, 1864

No. 64. Report of Colonel John Ramsey, Eighth New Jersey Infantry, commanding Second Brigade, of operations June 12-16.1

Near Petersburg, Va., November 28, 1864.

SIR: *

Arrived near the James River on the night of the 13th [June], and bivouacked. On the night of the 14th crossed the river; bivouacked


* For portion of report (here omitted) covering operations from May 4 to June 12, 1864, see Vol. XXXVI, Part I, p.461. The designation of the brigade was changed from the Fourth to the Second June 26.


about two miles and a half from it. On the morning of the 15th resumed our march. Marching in the direction of Petersburg, Va., arrived at the outer line of works of that city, which had been captured same day [by] General Hinks’ division of colored troops. We remained behind those works and the Petersburg road until the following evening, the 16th. On that evening three brigades of the corps were selected to make an assault upon the works in front of the city. My brigade was selected to represent the Second Division, and I directed to report to Major General D. B. Birney, he being temporarily in command of the corps. In accordance with instructions from him my brigade was moved in front of the works, deployed into two lines of the battle, One hundred and fifty-fifth New York Volunteers deployed as skirmishers left of skirmish line, and lines of battle resting on the road above mentioned. I moved forward precisely at 6 p. m., the hour indicated, driving in the enemy’s pickets until we came in front of their works and under the fire of their line of battle. We emerged from the woods into the field and moved toward the enemy’s works, and as far in that direction, and there holding a position in advance of either of the other brigades which participated in the assault. About dark I was wounded. The command then devolved upon Colonel McIvor, One hundred and seventieth New York Volunteers.

I have taken occasion to tender my thanks to the following members of my staff for their gallant and faithful service on that occasion: Captain La Motte, assistant adjutant-general, and Lieutenant Connolly, aide-de-camp.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Colonel Eighth Battalion New Jersey Volunteers.


  1. The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Volume XL, Part 1 (Serial Number 80), pages 376-377 ↩
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