OR XL P1 (Broadfoot Sup.) #9: Report of Captain John Bigelow, 9th ME Btty, June 13-July 30, 18641
SOPO Editor’s Note: The Broadfoot Supplement to the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies is rare and not sold in single volumes. As a courtesy to researchers, I’m making available summaries of the reports contained in this set relevant to the Siege of Petersburg.
Summary: In this slightly under one page report, Captain John Bigelow uses a day-by-day itinerary style approach, but skips large numbers of days. His battery was engaged on June 18, 1864 at the Second Battle of Petersburg. He also discusses their movements on June 21 and June 24 during and in the aftermath of the Battle of Jerusalem Plank Road. The only other dates mentioned are July 8, July 12, and July 30, but this battery was not engaged at the Crater, per the report. The 9th Massachusetts Battery was part of the Fifth Corps artillery brigade.
Source: Library of Congress, Henry Jackson Hunt Papers
Available Online?: No.