OR XL P1 (Broadfoot Sup.) #6: Excerpt from Report of Captain John E. Burton, 11th NY Btty, of casualties, June 17-24, 18641
SOPO Editor’s Note: The Broadfoot Supplement to the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies is rare and not sold in single volumes. As a courtesy to researchers, I’m making available summaries of the reports contained in this set relevant to the Siege of Petersburg.
Summary: In this fairly short report of half a page, Captain John E. Burton gives a day-by-day itinerary style list of casualties in the 11th New York Battery during its first week plus at the Siege of Petersburg. Nothing else is mentioned other than casualties.
Source: National Archives, exact location not noted
Available Online?: No.
Brett – do you have an idea of where the 11th NY Battery’s action of June 17-24, 1864, took place? And which Confederate units were involved?