OR XL P1 (Broadfoot Sup.) #5: Report of Captain Edwin B. Dow, 6th ME Btty, June 13-30, 18641
SOPO Editor’s Note: The Broadfoot Supplement to the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies is rare and not sold in single volumes. As a courtesy to researchers, I’m making available summaries of the reports contained in this set relevant to the Siege of Petersburg.
Summary: In this slightly more than one page report, Captain Edwin B. Dow of the 6th Maine Battery gives a day-by-day itinerary style recounting of his battery’s movements and actions in the latter half of June 1864, just as the Siege of Petersburg was beginning. Dow’s Battery participated in the June 16-17, 1864 fighting at the Second Battle of Petersburg, and played a non-active role during the Battle of Jerusalem Plank Road before moving near Second Corps Headquarters during the last week of June 1864.
Source: National Archives, exact location not noted
Available Online?: No.