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OR LI P1: Report of Major Derrick F. Hamlink, 4th NYHA, March 25, 1865

Report of Major Derrick F. Hamlink, Fourth New York Heavy Artillery, of operations March 25.1

March 27, 1865.

LIEUTENANT; In compliance with circular from brigade headquarters dated March 26, 1865, I have the honor to submit the following report:

At 8 a. M. March 25, 1865, orders were received to be ready to move at a moment’s notice and have everything packed but tents. At 10.30 a. M. same date, orders were received to strike tents and be ready to move. At 11 a. m. were ordered to report to Colonel Nugent, commanding Second Brigade, First Division, Second Army Corps. Having reported as per orders received, the regiment was ordered to form to the rear and right of the brigade. Soon after orders were received to join the left of this regiment with the right of the Second Brigade extending the line of battle. This was done, and the right of the regiment was turned so as to repel any attack of the enemy to turn our flank and join the right with the left of the Fourth Brigade. When in the act of executing this order the skirmishers fell back for want of ammunition, and their places were supplied by men from this regiment. After having been in position for some time orders were received from General Miles to send out three additional skirmishers from each company. This was accordingly done, and for some time this regiment remained in this position. Later, orders were received to open an oblique fire to the left, producing with that of the Fifth Army Corps a cross-fire on the enemy. About 8 p. m. orders were received from General Miles to post a strong picket in front of this regiment and the

Fifth Army Corps, joining that of the Fourth Brigade, First Division, Second Army Corps on the left, and the First Brigade on the right. This was carried out as follows: The posts were at intervals of from six to eight paces, with from five to seven men on a post; also two reserve forces of 100 men each opposite the center of the right and left wings of the line. About half of the regiment was thus posted; the remaining portion were at about 12 p. m. ordered to follow the Fourth Brigade, First Division, Second Army Corps, to camp, which was reached at about 1 a. m. of March 26, 1865. That portion of the regiment which remained on picket were relieved at about 11 a. m. March 26, 1865.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Major, Commanding.

Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, Fourth Brigade.



  1. The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Volume LI, Part 1 (Serial Number 107), pp. 305-306 ↩
  2. ↩
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