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OR LI P1: Report of Lieutenant Colonel Henry M. Tremlett, 39th MA, February 5-10, 1865

Report of Lieutenant Colonel Henry M. Tremlett, Thirty-ninth Massachusetts Infantry, of operations February 5-10.1

February 10, 1865.

LIEUTENANT: I have the honor to forward the following report of operations of regiment under my command during the late movement:

Regiment left camp on morning of Sunday, 5th instant, in light

marching order, supplied with four days’ rations. Marched all day; at night halted near Gravelly Run; were immediately placed on picket and remained on picket until daylight Monday, February 6, when we were withdrawn and rejoined the brigade, which marched to Hatcher’s Run. At 4 p. m. advanced against the enemy and remained under fire until about dark, when the line fell back to Hatcher’s Run, reaching said place about 7 p. m. My loss in this engagement was 1 killed and 12 wounded. Remained in bivouac until 11 a. m. Tuesday, February 7, at which time we advanced outside our works and formed advanced skirmish line. Immediately engaged the enemy, advanced and carried their works, capturing 1 officer (a lieutenant-colonel) and 6 enlisted men. Were relieved at 10 p. m. by a portion of the Sixth Corps, and retired behind their works; at midnight were withdrawn and marched to Hatcher’s Run. My loss in this engagement was 2 officers and 12 enlisted men wounded. Remained in bivouac all day Wednesday, 8th. Thursday, 9th, relieved pickets of Third Brigade and remained on picket near Hatcher’s Run until Friday, 10th, when we were relieved and retired to our old camp near Jerusalem plank road. Without disparagement to the rest of the regiment, whose conduct in presence of the enemy, with few exceptions, was admirable, allow me to commend to your favorable notice the names of Captain Joseph J. Cooper, Company F; Sergt. Lyman A. Spooner, Company I, and Private Thomas H. Bradley, Company K; also Corpl. John W. Bailey, Company G, who, by their marked coolness and bravery, proved themselves on this, as on many previous occasions, deserving of the highest praise.

Very respectfully,

Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding Regiment.

Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.



  1. The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Volume LI, Part 1 (Serial Number 107), pp. 289-290 ↩
  2. ↩
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