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OR LI P1: Report of Lieutenant J. Webb Adams, 10th MA Btty, February 5-11, 1865

Report of Lieutenant J. Webb Adams, Tenth Battery Massachusetts Light Artillery, of operations February 5-11.1

February 12, 1865.

LIEUTENANT: I have the honor to report that on the 5th instant at 6 a. m. I reported with the battery to Brigadier-General Smyth, commanding Second Division, Second Army Corps, and marched with that division on the Vaughan road to near Hatcher’s Run and went into position, the right section, commanded by Lieutenant Day, near the Tucker house, the left section, commanded by Lieutenant Green, near young Armstrong’s house, covering the front and right of General Smyth’s division, and the center section, commanded by First Sergeant Townsend, under my own immediate supervision, near General Smyth’s headquarters, covering a ford and General Smyth’s left flank. About 4.30 p. m. the enemy in strong force attacked the right of General Smyth’s division and attempted to turn his flank. Lieutenant Green changed the position of his section and opened an enfilading fire within 300 yards of the right of the enemy’s line of battle. The center section changed front and fired to the rear, having an oblique fire on the center and left of the enemy’s line of battle. After a hard fight of an hour or more (during which time we were under a heavy fire from a rebel battery on our then left), and having expended nearly 300 rounds of ammunition, doing good execution, the enemy withdrew. The right section was not engaged, though the pieces were loaded, and Lieutenant Day and his men were both ready and willing. On the 6th remained in position, but not engaged. On the 7th opened with one section toward night on a rebel battery in front of General Warren’s line, about one mile distant. After expending twenty-five rounds the rebel battery ceased firing. I afterward learned through one of General Smyth’s staff that my shell fell directly in the rebel battery and they were obliged to draw out. On the 8th, 9th, and 10th in the same position, but not engaged. On the 11th, at 4 a. m., withdrew the battery to the new line of works, some 600 yards to the rear, where I now remain.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

First Lieutenant, Commanding Tenth Massachusetts Battery.

Lieutenant U. D. EDDY,
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.



  1. The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Volume LI, Part 1 (Serial Number 107), p. 285 ↩
  2. ↩
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