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ORN Series 1, Vol. X: Report of Acting Rear-Admiral S. P. Lee giving Stations of Vessels in the North Atlantic Blockading Squadron, June 17, 1864

Report of Acting Rear-Admiral Lee, U. S. Navy, giving the stations of the vessels of the North Atlantic Blockading Squadron.

Flagship North Atlantic Blockading Squadron,
James River, Virginia, June 17, 1864.

Sir: The following is the disposition of vessels comprising the North Atlantic Blockading Squadron:

Stations of Vessels of the North Atlantic Blockading Squadron, June 17, 1864
Name Station Remarks
St. Lawrence Hampton Roads, Virginia Ordnance Ship
Minnesota d[itt]o Recruiting; crew mostly discharged.
Young Rover d[itt]o Guard ship.
Heliotrope d[itt]o Tug; without battery, in ordnance service.
Roanoke Newport News, Va Ironclad.
Charles Phelps d[itt]o Coal hulk.
Violet d[itt]o Tug.
Tug No. 2 d[itt]o
Mystic York and Pamunkey rivers and Chesapeake Bay. Guard ship.
Morse d[itt]o
Crusader d[itt]o
Samuel Rotan d[itt]o
Shokokon d[itt]o
Henry Brinker d[itt]o
Cactus d[itt]o
Cohasset d[itt]o
Dawn James River, above Newport News. At Wilson’s Wharf.
Young America d[itt]o Tug; at Wilson’s Wharf.
Atlanta d[itt]o Off Fort Powhatan.
Pequot d[itt]o D[itt]o.
Osceola d[itt]o Off City Point.
Eutaw d[itt]o Off Bermuda Hundred.
Commodore Morris d[itt]o Turkey Bend.
Malvern d[itt]o Off Tilman’s [Tilghman’s] Wharf.
Hunchback d[itt]o Deep Bottom.
Mendota James River, above Wilson’s Wharf. Above Hunchback.
Mackinaw d[itt]o Lower Dutch Gap; now covering army at Wilcox’s Wharf.
Agawam d[itt]o Flagship, Trent’s Reach.
Onondaga d[itt]o Trent’s Reach.
Canonicus d[itt]o D[itt]o.
Tecumseh d[itt]o D[itt]o.
Saugus d[itt]o D[itt]o.
Delaware d[itt]o Advance guard duty; Trent’s Reach.
Tritonia d[itt]o D[itt]o.
Stepping Stones d[itt]o D[itt]o.
Hydrangea d[itt]o Tug; mail boat.
Althea d[itt]o Tug; temporary torpedo boat, tender and ram to ironclads.
Alert d[itt]o D[itt]o.
Poppy d[itt]o D[itt]o.
Rose d[itt]o D[itt]o.
Mount Washington d[itt]o Transport.
Pink d[itt]o Transport, waiting for guns.
Tug 1 d[itt]o Unarmed; fitting with torpedoes.
Tug 3 d[itt]o D[itt]o.
Tug 4 d[itt]o D[itt]o.
Tug 5 d[itt]o D[itt]o.
Tug 6 d[itt]o D[itt]o.
Commodore Perry In the Appomattox River
General Putnam d[itt]o
Arletta Beaufort, N. C. Ordnance ship.
Release d[itt]o Storeship.
William Badger d[itt]o D[itt]o.
Lilac d[itt]o Tug; to move colliers, etc.
Mattabesett Sounds of North Carolina
Wyalusing d[itt]o
Tacony d[itt]o
Otsego d[itt]o
Chicopee d[itt]o Reported coming.
Shamrock d[itt]o Ram; reported coming.
Sassacus d[itt]o Ordered up James River.
Miami d[itt]o Worn out; ordered up for repairs.
Louisiana d[itt]o Guard; Washington, N. C.
Hetzel d[itt]o
Commodore Hull d[itt]o
Lockwood d[itt]o
Valley City Sounds of North Carolina
Seymour d[itt]o
Ceres d[itt]o Ordered up for repairs.
Whitehead d[itt]o
Commodore Barney d[itt]o Ordered up in James River.
Albemarle d[itt]o Storeship.
Renshaw d[itt]o
Granite d[itt]o Guard; Hatteras Inlet.
Shenandoah Off Wilmington, N. C.
Dacotah d[itt]o
Quaker City d[itt]o
Nereus d[itt]o
State of Georgia d[itt]o
Maratanza d[itt]o
Kansas d[itt]o
Niphon d[itt]o
Calypso d[itt]o
Howquah d[itt]o
Victoria d[itt]o
Augusta d[itt]o
Cherokee d[itt]o
Nansemond d[itt]o
Fahkee d[itt]o Transport.
Montgomery d[itt]o
Mercedita d[itt]o
Florida d[itt]o
Cambridge d[itt]o
Fort Jackson Outside, cruising off Wilmington.
Connecticut d[itt]o
Keystone State d[itt]o
Grand Gulf d[itt]o
Monticello d[itt]o
Gettysburg d[itt]o
Wyandotte Norfolk, Va. Guard ship.
Ben Morgan d[itt]o Ordnance hulk.
Roman d[itt]o D[itt]o.
Britannia d[itt]o Repairing.
Emma d[itt]o D[itt]o.
Mount Vernon d[itt]o D[itt]o.
Vicksburg d[itt]o D[itt]o.
Aries d[itt]o D[itt]o.
Wilderness d[itt]o Fitting for supply steamer.
R. R. Cuyler d[itt]o
Governor Buckingham Northern ports Baltimore.
Daylight d[itt]o D[itt]o.
Zouave d[itt]o D[itt]o.
James Adger d[itt]o Philadelphia
Glaucus d[itt]o D[itt]o.
Tuscarora d[itt]o Baltimore; out of commission.


I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully,

S[amuel]. P. Lee,
Actg, Rear-Admiral, Comdg. North Atlantic Blockading Squadron.

Hon. Gideon Welles,
Secretary of the Navy.1

Report Image 1


Report Image 2



  1. Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion, Series 1, Volume X, pp. 157158 ↩
{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Lisa Fulton February 3, 2021, 8:40 am

    I had wondered how you came up with the ship names to study. What a great starting place left to you by those organized admirals. Is there anything comparable on the Confederal side?

  • Brett Schulte February 3, 2021, 12:00 pm


    The Union side has multiple ship listings per month for most months. Unfortunately, many Confederate records do not survive. Fortunately, because the Confederate James River Squadron was trapped on the James between Richmond and Farrar’s Island, we know and can reconstruct which ships made up that squadron. My list of Confederate warships is here: http://www.beyondthecrater.com/resources/units/conf-u/confederate-navy/

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