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ORN Series 1, Vol. X: Report of Lieutenant Commander Charles A. Babcock, USS Morse, Giving the Location of Certain Vessels on the York River June 14, 1864

Report of Lieutenant-Commander Babcock, U. S. Navy, giving the location of certain United States vessels.

U. S. S. Morse,
Off White House, Va., June 14, 1864.


White House Landing, 1864

Sir: I respectfully acknowledge the receipt of your communication dated the 10th instant, also a communication for the Crusader. The Cactus arrived yesterday, and the commanding officer reported in obedience to your orders. The Cohasset is at West Point, [York River]. I communicate with the commanding officer every day by telegraph. The Shokokon is still at Cumberland Heights, the [Henry] Brinker at a point 2 miles above, and the Cactus is at anchor off the White House. The report is that our forces will evacuate this place in two or three days.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Lieutenant-Commander and Senior Officer Present.

Rear-Admiral S[amuel]. P. Lee,
Comdg. North Atlantic Blockading Squadron, Hampton Roads.1


  1. Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion, Series 1, Volume X, p. 148 ↩
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