Abstract Return Union Forces Facing Richmond January - April 18651 Commanding General: Lieutenant General U.S. Grant 31 January: Army of the Potomac Infantry Cavalry Artillery Provost Guard 54/l,2ll l3/64 l,453 Engineer Bn 5/l86 Artillery (Hunt) 33/l,l05 2nd Corps 949/l7,592 35/l,7l2 5th Corps 656/l4,975 26/l,375 6th Corps 525/l3,929 26/l,l23 9th Corps 620/l4,96l l9/768 2nd Cavalry Division 227/6,079 (Gregg) Army of the James Cavalry Division (Kautz) ll0/2,930 4/l43 24th Corps 582/l5,945 5/l2l 38/l,798 25th Corps 400/11,857 20/622 34/926 Bermuda Hundred ll7/3,456 Seperate Brigade (Carr) 5l/l,334 2/135 28 February Army of the Potomac Provost Guard 7l/l,836 l7/625 Artillery (Hunt) 3l/l,0l0 2nd Corps 976/l7,349 36/l,7l6 5th Corps 577/l2,9l7 32/l,39l 6th Corps 663/l5,368 38/l,903 9th Corps 653/l6,l85 2l/782 2nd Cavalry Division 2l2/6,0l8 4/2l8 (Davies) Army of the James Cavalry Division (Kautz) ll0/2,848 4/l45 24th Corps 662/l3,844 30/l,402 25th Corps 400/ll,860 2l/782 Bermuda Hundred l2l/3,599 Seperate Brigade (Carr) 50/l,326 2/l33 20 March Army of the Potomac Provost Guard l5/503 l4/566 City Point (Collis) 8l/l,965 l0/237 Artillery (Hunt) 32/l,l84 2nd Corps 979/l8,l88 37/l,689 5th Corps 634/l5,359 30/l,4l8 6th Corps 695/l6,l97 27/l,039 9th Corps 695/l6,459 2l/78l 2nd Cavalry Division 242/5,402 (Davies) Army of the James Cavalry Division (Kautz) 95/2,555 24th Corps 535/l3,073 4/l24 46/l,784 25th Corps 442/l2,94l 4/56 38/l,l03 Bermuda Hundred l3l/3,65l 25/909 Seperate Brigade (Carr) 56/l,555 7/220 7/394 3l March: Army of the Potomac Provost Guard 2l/982 l5/586 City Point (Collis) 88/l,855 l0/237 Artillery (Hunt) 35/l,l27 2nd Corps 960/l8,507 33/l,667 5th Corps 632/l5,34l 25/l,075 6th Corps 705/l6,576 33/l,070 9th Corps 679/l6,667 2l/776 Army of the James Cavalry Division 70/2,l06 4/l48 (Mackenzie) 24th Corps 545/l3,673 4/l24 46/l,784 25th Corps 272/7,828 6/48 29/960 Bermuda Hundred l49/3,685 3/l34 Seperate Brigade (Carr) 55/l,575 8/2l7 5/263 10 April: Army of the Potomac City Point (Collis) 78/l,876 l5/320 Artillery (Hunt) 56/2,l64 2nd Corps 976/l6,452 l9/904 5th Corps 604/l3,094 24/l,066 6th Corps 647/l5,328 27/732 9th Corps 684/l5,ll8 24/8l2 Army of the James Cavalry Division 70/2,l06 4/l48 (Mackenzie) 24th Corps 545/l3,673 4/l24 46/l,784 25th Corps 229/6,528 30/928 In Petersburg l66/4,978 34/800 34/l,28l (Hartsuff) Seperate Brigade (Carr) 58/l,605 8/200 7/274 Note: No independent formations of less than l,000 are listed, i.e. the Independent Oneida Cavalry Company.
(Order of Battle From the George Nafziger Collection)2
- U.S. War Department, The War of the Succession, A Compilation of
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Government
Printing Office; Washington D.C. 1880-1901 ↩ - George Nafziger Order of Battle Collection ↩