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864iba: Union Forces Battle of Chaffin’s Farm 29-30 September 1864

                          Union Forces
                    Battle of Chaffin's Farm
                      29-30 September 18641 

X Army Corps: Major General D.B.Birney
     1st Division: Brigadier General A.H.Terry
          1st Brigade: Colonel F.B.Pond
               39th Illinois Infantry Regiment
               62nd Ohio Infantry Regiment
               67th Ohio Infantry Regiment
               85th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
          2nd Brigade: Colonel J.C.Abbott
               6th Connecticut Infantry Regiment
               7th Connecticut Infantry Regiment
               3rd New Hampshire Infantry Regiment
               7th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment
               16th New York Heavy Artillery (7 cos)
          3rd Brigade: Colonel H.M.Plaisted
               10th Connecticut Infantry Regiment
               11th Maine Infantry Regiment
               1st Maryland Cavalry Regiment (dismounted)
               24th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment
               100th New York Infantry Regiment
     2nd Division: Brigadier General R.S.Foster
          1st Brigade: Colonel R.Daggett
               3rd New York Infantry Regiment
               112th New York Infantry Regiment
               117th New York Infantry Regiment
               142nd New York Infantry Regiment
          2nd Brigade: Colonel Pennypacker
               47th New York Infantry Regiment
               48th New York Infantry Regiment
               76th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
               97th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
               203rd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
          3rd Brigade: Colonel L. Bell
               13th Indiana Infantry Regiment (3 cos)
               9th Maine Infantry Regiment
               4th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment
               115th New York Infantry Regiment
               169th New York Infantry Regiment
          Colored Brigade: Brigadier General W.Birney
               29th Connecticut Infantry Regiment
               7th U.S.Colored Troops
               8th U.S.Colored Troops
               9th U.S.Colored Troops
          Artillery Brigade: Lt. Colonel R.H.Jackson
               Connecticut Light Artillery, 1st Battery
               New Jersey Light Artillery, 4th Battery
               New Jersey Light Artillery, 5th Battery
               1st Pennsylvania Light Artillery, Battery E
               3rd Rhode Island Light Artillery, Battery C
               1st U.S. Artillery, Batteries C & D
               1st U.S. Artillery, Battery M
               3rd U.S. Artillery, Battery E
               4th U.S. Artillery, Battery D
               1/, 3/4th Massachusetts Cavalry Regiment

XVIII Corps: Major General E.C.Ord (Brig. Gen. C.A.Heckman
          & Bvt Maj. Gen. G.Weitzel)
     1st Division: Brigadier General G.J.Stannard
     Escort:   Sharpshooters
               Provost Guard
          1st Brigade: Colonel A.F.Stevens (Lt. Col. Raulston)
               13th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment
               81st New York Infantry Regiment
               98th New York Infantry Regiment
               139th New York Infantry Regiment
          2nd Brigade: Brigadier General H.Burnham
               (Col. M.T.Donohoe)
               8th Connecticut Infantry Regiment
               10th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment
               96th New York Infantry Regiment
               118th New York Infantry Regiment
          3rd Brigade: Colonel S.H.Roberts (E.M.Cullen)
               21st Connecticut Infantry Regiment
               92nd New York Infantry Regiment
               58th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
               188th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
     2nd Division: Brigadier General C.A.Heckman
          1st Brigade: Colonel J.Stewart (G.M.Guion)
               148th New York Infantry Regiment
               158th New York Infantry Regiment
               55th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
          2nd Brigade: Colonel E.H.Ripley
               8th Maine Infantry Regiment
               9th Vermont Infantry Regiment
          3rd Brigade: Colonel H.S.Fairchild
               98th New York Infantry Regiment
               2nd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery
     3rd Division: Brigadier General C.J.Paine
          1st Brigade: Colonel J.H.Holman
               1st U.S. Colored Troops
               22nd U.S. Colored Troops
               37th U.S. Colored Troops
          2nd Brigade: Colonel A.G.Draper
               5th U.S. Colored Troops
               36th U.S. Colored Troops
               38th U.S. Colored Troops
          3rd Brigade: Colonel S.A.Duncan (J.W.Ames)
               4th U.S. Colored Troops
               6th U.S. Colored Troops
               2nd U.S. Colored Cavalry (dismounted)

Artillery Brigade: Major G.B.Cook
               3rd New York Light Artillery, Battery E
               3rd New York Light Artillery, Battery H
               3rd New York Light Artillery, Battery K
               3rd New York Light Artillery, Battery M
               New York Light Artillery, 7th Battery
               New York Light Artillery, 16th Battery
               New York Light Artillery, 17th Battery
               1st Pennsylvania Light Artillery, Battery A
               1st Rhode Island Light Artillery, Battery F
               1st U.S. Artillery, Battery B
               4th U.S. Artillery, Battery L
               5th U.S. Artillery, Battery A
               5th U.S. Artillery, Battery F
               E/,H/4th Massachusetts Cavalry Regiment

(Order of Battle From the George Nafziger Collection)2


  1. U.S. War Department, The War of the Succession, A Compilation of Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Government Printing Office; Washington D.C. 1882 ↩
  2. George Nafziger Order of Battle Collection ↩
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