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864lbf: Union Forces Department of Virginia and North Carolina 31 December 1864

                               Union Forces
            Department of Virginia and North Carolina
                        31 December 18641 

General Headquarters
     Signal Corps: Norton (23/l52)
Naval Brigade: Brigadier General C.K.Graham (22/456)
     l3th New York Heavy Artillery, Company I
     l3th New York Heavy Artillery, Company K
     l3th New York Heavy Artillery, Company L
     l3th New York Heavy Artillery, Company M
     lst New York Engineers (l4/280)
     Det/4th Massachusetts Cavalry (l3/203)
24th Corps: Bvt. Major General A.H.Terry (acting)(559/l6,343)
Escort:   8th Connecticut Infantry Regiment
Provost:  F/, K/4th Massachusetts Cavalry Regiment
     lst Division: Brigadier General R.S.Foster
          lst Brigade: Colonel T.O.Osborn
               39th Illinois Infantry Regiment
               62nd Ohio Infantry Regiment
               67th Ohio Infantry Regiment
               l99th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
          2nd Brigade: Brigadier General J.R.Hawley
               6th Connecticut Infantry Regiment
               7th Connecticut Infantry Regiment
               3rd New Hampshire Infantry Regiment
               7th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment
               l6th New York Heavy Artillery (6 cos)
          3rd Brigade: Colonel H.M.Plaisted
               l0th Connecticut Infantry Regiment
               llth Maine Infantry Regiment
               24th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment
               l00th New York Infantry Regiment
               206th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
          4th Brigade: Bvt. Brigadier General J.Jourdan
               8th Maine Infantry Regiment
               89th New York Infantry Regiment
               l48th New York Infantry Regiment
               l58th New York Infantry Regiment
               55th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
     2nd Division: Brigadier General A.Ames
          lst Brigade: Bvt. Brigadier General N.M.Curtis
               3rd New York Infantry Regiment
               ll2th  New York Infantry Regiment
               ll7th New York Infantry Regiment
               l42nd New York Infantry Regiment
          2nd Brigade: Colonel G.Pennypacker
               47th New York Infantry Regiment
               48th New York Infantry Regiment
               76th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
               97th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
               203rd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
          3rd Brigade: Colonel L. Bell
               l3th Indiana Infantry Regiment (5 cos)
               9th Maine Infantry Regiment
               4th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment
               ll5th New York Infantry Regiment
               l69th New York Infantry Regiment
     3rd Division: Brigadier General C.Devens
          lst Brigade: Lt. Colonel J.B.Raulston
               llth Connecticut Infantry Regiment
               l3th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment
               8lst New York Infantry Regiment
               98th New York Infantry Regiment
               l39th New York Infantry Regiment
               l9th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment
          2nd Brigade: Colonel J.H.Potter
               5th Maryland Infantry Regiment
               l0th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment
               l2th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment
               96th New York Infantry Regiment
               ll8th New York Infantry Regiment
               9th Vermont Infantry Regiment
          3rd Brigade: Bvt. Brigadier General G.V.Henry
               2lst Connecticut Infantry Regiment
               40th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment
               2nd New Hampshire Infantry Regiment
               58th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
               l88th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
     lst Division (Army of West Virginia:
               Bvt. Brigadier General T.M.Harris
          lst Brigade: Lt. Colonel T.F.Wildes
               34th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment
               ll6th Ohio Infantry Regiment
               l23rd Ohio Infantry Regiment
          2nd Brigade: Colonel W.B.Curtis
               23rd Illinois Infantry Regiment (5 cos)
               54th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
               l2th West Virginia Infantry Regiment
          3rd Brigade: Colonel M.Wells
               l0th West Virginia Infantry Regiment
               llth West Virginia Infantry Regiment
               l5th West Virginia Infantry Regiment
     Artillery: Major C.C.Abell
          3rd New York Light Artillery, Battery E
          3rd New York Light Artillery, Battery H
          3rd New York Light Artillery, Battery K
          3rd New York Light Artillery, Battery M
          New York Light Artillery, 7th Battery
          New York Light Artillery, l6th Battery
          New York Light Artillery, l7th Battery
          lst Pennsylvania Light Artillery, Battery A
          lst Rhode Island Light Artillery, Battery F
          4th U.S. Artillery, Battery L
          5th U.S. Artillery, Battery A
          5th U.S. Artillery, Battery F
25th Corps: Major General G. Weitzel (45l/l2,570)
     lst Division: Brigadier General C.J.Paine
          lst Brigade: Bvt. Brigadier General D.Bates
               lst U.S. Colored Troops
               27th U.S. Colored Troops
               30th U.S. Colored Troops
          2nd Brigade: Colonel J.W.Ames
               4th U.S. Colored Troops
               6th U.S. Colored Troops
               39th U.S. Colored Troops
          3rd Brigade: Colonel E.Wright
               5th U.S. Colored Troops
               l0th U.S. Colored Troops
               37th U.S. Colored Troops
               l07th U.S. Colored Troops
     2nd Division: Brigadier General W.Birney
          lst Brigade: Bvt. Brigadier General C.S.Russell
               7th U.S. Colored Troops
               l09th U.S. Colored Troops
               ll6th U.S. Colored Troops
               ll7th U.S. Colored Troops
          2nd Brigade: Colonel U.Doubleday
               8th U.S. Colored Troops
               45th U.S. Colored Troops
               l27th U.S. Colored Troops
          3rd Brigade: Colonel H.C.Ward
               28th U.S. Colored Troops
               29th U.S. Colored Troops
               3lst U.S. Colored Troops
     3rd Division: Brigadier General E.A.Wild
          lst Brigade: Bvt. Brigadier General A.G.Draper
               22nd U.S. Colored Troops
               36th U.S. Colored Troops
               38th U.S. Colored Troops
               ll8th U.S. Colored Troops
          2nd Brigade: Colonel E.Martindale
               29th Connecticut Colored Troops
               9th U.S. Colored Troops
               4lst U.S. Colored Troops
          3rd Brigade: Brigadier General H.G.Thomas
               l9th U.S. Colored Troops
               23rd U.S. Colored Troops
               43rd U.S. Colored Troops
               2nd U.S. Colored Cavalry Regiment
     Artillery: Lt. Colonel R.H.Jackson
          Connecticut Light Artillery, lst Battery
          New Jersey Light Artillery, 4th Battery
          New Jersey Light Artillery, 5th Battery
          Det/l6th New York Heavy Artillery, Lt.  Truax
          lst Pennsylvania Light Artillery, Battery E
          3rd Rhode Island Light Artillery, Battery C
          lst U.S. Artillery, Battery D
          lst U.S. Artillery, Battery M
          3rd U.S. Artillery, Battery E
          4th U.S. Artillery, Battery D

Cavalry Division: Bvt. Major General A.V.Kautz (ll5/3,396)
     lst Brigade: Colonel R.M.West
          20th New York Cavalry Regiment
          5th Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment
     2nd Brigade: Colonel S.P.Spear
          lst District of Columbia Cavalry Regiment (4 cos)
          llth Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment
     3rd Brigade: Colonel A.W.Evans
          lst Maryland Cavalry Regiment
          lst New York Mounted Rifle Regiment
          Wisconsin Light Artillery, 4th Battery
          lst U.S. Artillery, Battery B

District of Eastern Virginia: Brigadier General G.F.Shepley
     Portsmouth: Brigadier General IVogdes
          2nd U.S. Volunteers (5 cos)
          3rd New York Cavalry Regiment
          3rd Bn, 2nd Massachusetts Heavy Artillery
          New York Light Artillery, 8th Battery
          Det/l3th New York Light Artillery, Col. Howard
          2nd U.S. Colored Artillery, Battery B
     Norfolk: Major H.W.Brown
          lst U.S. Colored Cavalry (5 dismounted companies)
     Fort Monroe: Colonel J.Roberts
          3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery (l bn)
     Eastern Shore: Lt.Colonel F.J.White
          lst Virginia Loyal, Company A
          A/Purnell Legion (maryland) Cavalry
          L/llth Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment
          Det/3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery, Lt. Bowman
     Newport News: Lt. Colonel L.Burritt
          K/lst U.S. Colored Cavalry
     Fort Magruder: Colonel J.J.Morrison
          Det/l00th New York Infantry Regiment
          l6th New York Heavy Artillery (4 cos)
          G/4th Massachusetts Cavalry Regiment
          H/20th New York Cavalry Regiment
          G/lst New York Mounted Rifle Regiment
          A/,H/lst U.S. Colored Cavalry (dismounted)

District of North Carolina: Brigadier General I.N.Palmer
     Sub-District of the Albemarle: Colonel T.F.Lehmann
          l6th Connecticut Infantry Regiment (2 cos)
          85th New York Infantry Regiment (2 cos)
          l0lst Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment (2 cos)
          l03rd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment (2 cos)
          5th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Company D
          5th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Company K
     Sub-District of Beaufort: Colonel J.M.McChesney
          l7th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment (4 cos)
          27th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment
          9th New Jersey Infantry Regiment
          lst North Carolina Infantry Regiment
          2nd North Carolina Infantry Regiment (4 cos)
          lst North Carolina Colored Heavy Artillery (4 cos)
          23rd New York Cavalry Regiment (2 cos)
          3rd New York Light Artillery, Battery C (l section)
     Sub-District of New Berne: Brigadier General E.Harland
          l5th Connecticut Infantry Regiment
          23rd Massachusetts Infantry Regiment
          25th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment
          99th New York Infantry Regiment (3 cos)
          l32nd New York Infantry Regiment
          lst North Carolina Infantry Regiment (2 cos)
          l2th New York Cavalry Regiment
          2nd Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, Lt.Col.Sprague
          3rd New York Light Artillery, Col. Stewart
          l3th New York Heavy Artillery, Company K
               (Det 24th New York Light Artillery attached)
          New York Light Artillery, 23rd Battery
          5th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Lt.Col. Tew
          2nd Massachusetts Heavy Artillery (4 cos)

Seperate Brigade: Colonel W.G. Robinson (53/l,344)
     Fort Pocahontas: Major W.H.Tantum
          38th New Jersey Infantry Regiment (4 cos)
          l6th New York Heavy Artillery (2 cos)
          New York Light Artillery, 33rd Battery
          Det/lst U.S. Colored Artillery
     Harrison's Landing: Lt. Colonel W.P.McKinley
          M/4th Massachusetts Cavalry Regiment
          l84th New York Infantry Regiment
          Det/3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery, Lt. Grill
     Fort Powhatan: Colonel W.J.Sewell
          38th New Jersey Infantry Regiment (6 cos)
          Det/3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery
          E/lst U.S. Colored Cavalry

Defenses of Bermuda Hundred: Bvt. Major General E.Ferrero
     lst Brigade: Colonel W.Heine
          4lst New York Infantry Regiment (6 cos)
          l03rd New York Infantry Regiment
          l04th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment (5 cos)
     2nd Brigade: Lt. Colonel P.Arden
          6th New York Heavy Artillery, Major Kibbe
          l0th New York Heavy Artillery, Major Campbell
     Provisional Brigade: Colonel Wm.M.McClure
          l3th New Hampshire Light Artillery, Company C
          2nd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery, Cpt. Rowand
     Siege Artillery: Bvt. Brigadier General H.L.Abbot
          (attached by Special Order No. l56 on 12/24/64)

          lst Connecticut Heavy Artillery, Company A
          lst Connecticut Heavy Artillery, Company B
          lst Connecticut Heavy Artillery, Company C
          lst Connecticut Heavy Artillery, Company D
          lst Connecticut Heavy Artillery, Company E
          lst Connecticut Heavy Artillery, Company F
          lst Connecticut Heavy Artillery, Company G
          lst Connecticut Heavy Artillery, Company H
          lst Connecticut Heavy Artillery, Company I
          lst Connecticut Heavy Artillery, Company K
          lst Connecticut Heavy Artillery, Company L
          l3th New York Heavy Artillery, Company A
          l3th New York Heavy Artillery, Company H
          3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery, Company E
          3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery, Company G
          3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery, Company M
     Acting Pontoniers:
          3rd Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, Company

(Order of Battle From the George Nafziger Collection)2


  1. U.S. War Department, The War of the Succession, A Compilation of
    Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Government
    Printing Office; Washington D.C. 1880-1901 ↩
  2. George Nafziger Order of Battle Collection ↩
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