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NP: September 28, 1864 Trenton State Gazette: A Soldier’s Letter, 68th PA

Editor’s Note: This article was provided by John Hennessy and transcribed by Jackie Martin.


The Phil[a]delphia PRESS publishes a letter from a soldier in the Army of the Potomac, which we copy below.  We trust that our readers will give it a careful perusal.

CITY POINT, Va., Sept. 10, 1864.

Probably I ought to close, as I have stated my object in addressing you.  Before I do, however, a few words in regard to the so-called “Peace” platform adopted at Chicago, and the candidates placed thereon:  In my humble judgment, peace, as preached at Chicago, means riot, anarchy, and bloodshed at home.  It is a pleasing cry, and many good and true men are, I am afraid, deluded by it.  In regard to General McClellan, there is no denying that at one time he possessed the confidence and was the favorite General in the Army of the Potomac.—He was great in his day; he refused to take advantage of the tide.  He still has a few admirers, but they are growing beautifully less as the day approaches which is to consign him to oblivion.  He made a little capital by his flank movement, or change of base, from the Chicago to the McClellan platform, as his letter is called; but it is too transparent, too flimsy.  He cannot get rid of Pendleton if he would, nor of the Chicago platform; neither would he if he could.—And here allow me to ask, who among us would be so lost to shame as to vote for Pendleton?  NOT ONE.  Yet, here they are—McClellan and Pendleton; you cannot separate them; you cannot have one without the other; you have to take both or neither.  And who does not remember the fate of Harrison?  His death made Tyler President.  Still later, Taylor was not subservient enough; he, too, died suddenly.  The pliant Fillmore took his place.  McClellan and Pendleton!  What lease has McClellan on life, and who with such a risk, leaving out all other considerations, would vote to put Pendleton, Vallandigham, Wood & Co., in charge of the reins of Government for four years?  Make this a point:  impress it on the minds of the people; leave no stone unturned, for it is necessary for the salvation of the country that the adherents of this pernicious doctrine be not only defeated, but utterly routed, in the coming elections.

I cannot do better than to close by inserting a paragraph from a letter received to-day from a friend.  He has been wounded; he is still in the service, and willing to risk his life for his country.  It is as follows:

“There is much at stake, and I desire greatly, in my humble way, to signify that I am deadly, bitterly aye, more so than ever, opposed to any patched up compromise for peace measures that will bring lasting disgrace on us and our posterity.  Let us, then, join our voices and our votes, as we have already done our muskets, in the overthrow of this hydra-headed monster, PEACE, until it comes to us in proper shape, shedding, as of old, its innumerable blessings, and then hail it as every just and true patriot should.”  Until which time I remain at the service of my country.



Co. D, 68th Penna. Regiment.


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  1. “A Soldier’s Letter.” Trenton State Gazette. September 28, 1864, p. ? col. ?
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