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NP: October 22, 1864 Philadelphia Inquirer: Army of the Potomac, October 16, 19-20

Editor’s Note: This article was transcribed by Brett Schulte. Portions of this article not pertaining to the Siege of Petersburg have been omitted.




Special Correspondence of the Inquirer.

CITY POINT, Thursday, Oct. 20, A. M.

Arrest of an Election Commissioner.

Mr. WILBERFORCE DENNISON, an Election Commissioner from Connecticut, was on Sunday last [October 16, 1864] arrested by Captain BRAYMAN, Provost Marshal Third Division Second Corps, and, after sundry wanderings among various head-quarters at the front, was sent here to be sent out of the lines.

The charges against Mr. DENNISON are, that, contrary to General Orders of the War Department, he harangued crowds and was guilty of disloyal talk. This being rather indefinite in its nature, Mr. DENNISON was committed to very comfortable quarters on board the Wallal[?], living in the river here, to await the taking of testimony as to the words actually spoken, and the time and place of utterance.

No Change in the Situation.

There are no changes to note this morning in our military situation. The firing on the Petersburg front last night [October 19, 1864] seemed a little more rapid, and lasted a somewhat longer time than usual, but nothing of consequence ensued.

Good Feeling Among the Men.

During our present days of quiet the Rebels are emulating our example and remain behind their works, a most placid and inoffensive set of braves. In front of the Ninth Corps, and almost directly in front of General PARKE’S head-quarters, our men go out beyond our works daily for firewood, gather it leisurely and return with it, and have never been molested by the Rebel picket line, a short two hundred yards off. This entente cordiale, in fact, extends along our entire front, and although entirely unofficial in its character, being of the men’s own creation, it is as effectual as if attested by the sign-manual of all the generals and powers of the continent.

Voting in the Army.

The voting still goes on in the New York and Connecticut regiments. Of the first named, many regiments have already transmitted their votes to the State, and it is fair to presume that in New York the full vote of the soldiers will be polled, and the same will doubtless apply to Connecticut.

General Butler’s Army.

From General BUTLER’S army nothing startling has reached me. There were some movements of the Rebel troops yesterday [October 19, 1864] that might mean another attempt upon our right, but as yet no attack has been made, and it is not now thought probable it will be.1

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  1. “Army of the Potomac.” Philadelphia Inquirer. October 21, 1864, p. 1 col. 5 and p. 8 col. 1 ↩
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