Editor’s Note: This article was transcribed by Bryce Suderow and is included in a collection of articles from the Baltimore Clipper. His transcription of this article is published here with his written permission.
Headquarters, 2nd Md. Volunteers
Near Petersburg, June 27, 1864
Thinking that a short history of the movements and doings of the Regiment would be acceptable to the numerous patrons of your paper, I avail myself of the opportunity of giving you a short account of ourselves since leaving Baltimore. We left Baltimore on Sunday, the 22nd of May; left Washington on the 24th for Port Royal, from thence we took up the line of march and arrived at General Burnside’s headquarters on the 28th of May, and were placed in the immediate front, where, as usual, the old Second done good service. Left our front and took up the line of march for the south side of the James river on the night of the 12th of June, arrived at a distance of some four miles from Petersburg on the 16th, and on the evening of that day we were ordered into line to charge some of the rebel rifle pits, which in connection with the 11th New Hampshire was done in gallant style. We charged across an open field of about four hundred yards under a galling fire of grape and canister, but succeeded in taking up a position under the shelter of a ravine, where we lay all night. At about daylight of the 17th we were ordered to charge, which order was executed on the double quick time. We carried their works and took about three hundred prisoners, and four field pieces and a number of small arms…