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NP: June 23, 1864 Petersburg Daily Express: Telegraphic Reports, June 20-22




Another Attack and the Enemy Again Repulsed.

MARIETTA, June 21 [1864].—The enemy’s right attacked our left yesterday [June 20, 1864], under General Hardee, and were repulsed with great slaughter. We captured 60 prisoners, among them Lieut. Col. Watson, of the 40th Ohio.

Three deserters also came in who desired to be employed in any capacity.

General [Joseph E.] Johnston, as well as the whole army, are anxious for an engagement.1

Late Northern News.

Richmond, June 22 [1864].—Northern papers of the 18th [of June, 1864], announce to their gullible readers that Petersburg has been captured and is now held by Grant’s army. One despatch says that the hardest fighting was done by black troops.2

Colonels Chenowith and Charlton Morgan visited Lexington on the 16th [of June 1864] to treat for the exchange of prisoners, but Burbridge refused to recognize the flag of truce and held them as prisoners.

Under the effect of the story of the capture of Petersburg, gold declined in New York, closing at 195 ½.3,4

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  1. SOPO Editor’s Note: The “Battle of Marietta” during the Atlanta Campaign occurred from approximately June 9 to July 3, 1864, and included the well-known Battle of Kennesaw Mountain on June 27. ↩
  2. SOPO Editor’s Note: Interestingly, if we focus on June 15, 1864, the first day of the Second Battle of Petersburg, the claim that Black troops did the hardest fighting can absolutely be defended. Hinks’ Third Division, Eighteenth Corps, Army of the James was composed of all Black troops and did some heavy fighting on that day, capturing multiple redoubts on the eastern face of the Dimmock Line protecting Petersburg. ↩
  3. SOPO Editor’s Note: For those who do not understand this reference, the price of gold declined on good Union news, while it rose when the Union suffered defeats. ↩
  4. “Telegraphic Reports of the Press Association.” The Daily Express (Petersburg, VA). June 23, 1864, p. 1 col. 7 ↩
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