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NP: June 23, 1864 Petersburg Daily Express: Local Matters, June 16 and 23, 1864



LIST OF CASUALTIES IN THE BATTALION OF MILITIA, June 16 [1864]—The following correct list of the casualties in Major [Fletcher H.] Archer’s Battalion of Militia and Reserves [3rd Virginia Battalion Reserves], at Avery’s Farm, on Thursday, June 16th [1864], has been sent to us by Adj’t C. F. Collier.—No full list has before been published:1

Field and Staff—Major F[letcher]. H. Archer, wounded severely in left arm.

1st Co. Lt Thos Smyth, comd’g—Prvt Jas Brooks, wounded by shell in neck.

2d Co, Capt P D Hair, comd’g—Privates R A Spiers, mortally, since dead; Ed Simmons, severely in arm; H J Saunders, slightly by shell.

3d Co, Capt W[illiam] H. Jarvis, comd’g—No casualties.

4th Co, 1st Sergt G B Eanes, comd’g—No casualties.

5th Co, Capt R F Jarvis, comd’g—No casualties.

6th Co, Capt J A Rogers, commd’g—Private F T Scott, killed; Corpl T J Jarratt, wounded slightly; prvt C K Elliott, slightly.

7th Co, 1st Sergt J E Watson, comd’g—Corpl N Hoag, killed; Privates R L Watson, wounded; W C Molloy, slightly; G W Eastwood, slightly; Sergt Sam’l Smith, slightly; privates Andrew Clemat, severely; Duncan Mann, slightly; Michael Quin, severely; M T Sweeney, slightly.

8th Co, 1st Sergt Wm Webb, comd’g—Private Jas A Barker, wounded slightly.

I beg leave to submit the foregoing list of casualties in the Battalion, simply adding that when the commanding officer was wounded and taken from the field, the command devolved upon Capt W[illiam] H Jarvis, who commanded during the remainder of the day, and is now in command.

About dusk in the afternoon of the day [June 16, 1864], Gen. Beauregard ordered the battalion to the city on important duties.

CHA[RLE]S. F. COLLIER, Capt. And Adj’t.2


A WORD OF ADVICE.—A good many families have moved from the eastern portion of the city to escape injury from Yankee shells.3 They have generally moved hurriedly, and many have not taken the precaution to secure all their valuables, or at least all such as might be easily removed. In leaving them behind, they leave them exposed as a temptation to rogues.

As has already been stated, the rogues have not been slow to take advantage of this state of things, and have plied their vocation diligently. Several buildings have been entered with impunity, and such things as the thief fancied, he helped himself to. Silver ware and fine crockery and clothes, and such like articles, which at this time are peculiarly valuable, have been lately stolen.

We would advise all who contemplate moving, to take everything of value they can possibly carry. Do not exhibit so much fear of shells as to let them drive you entirely from your property, but be calm, and take time to pack up all your valuables. If a shell strikes near you once, it may not do so again during the day.


LINT AND BANDAGES NEEDED.—We call attention to the card of Dr. William R. Vaughan, in another column, requesting the citizens of Petersburg and vicinity to contribute lint and bandages for the wounded soldiers at the General Hospital.4 This is now the Receiving Hospital of the army around Petersburg, and on this account particularly, it is desirable always to have a good supply of these articles on hand. There are now at this hospital, several hundred seriously wounded men, and the Surgeon in charge is much in need of lint and bandages.

We place this matter before the public, and feel assured they will contribute abundantly to the relief of those who have fallen in their defense.


VEGETABLES FOR OUR TROOPS.—Mr. Nat C. Harrison5 will leave town for camp tomorrow (Friday) afternoon [June 24, 1864], at 3 o’clock, for the purpose of conveying such vegetables to the Petersburg troops as their friends may, in the interim, contribute.—Vegetables of all kinds are very much needed, and we hope liberal donations will be made. Onions, cabbages, green peas, and all the produce of the garden will be most acceptable. Now that our gallant men are here defending our homes and our property, let all contribute something to their comfort.

We wish it were possible to supply the entire army around Petersburg, with vegetables. They richly deserve every thing at our hands.6

SOPO Editor’s Note: This article was transcribed by Brett Schulte.

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  1. SOPO Editor’s Note: Fletcher Archer’s Battalion of Virginia Militia, aka the Petersburg Militia aka 3rd Battalion Virginia Reserves, fought at the Second Battle of Petersburg, trying to help regular Confederate troops hold off the Union forces threatening their city from the east. On the evening of June 16, 1864, the Petersburg Militia faced elements of Potter’s Second Division, Ninth Corps, Army of the Potomac.  These probing attacks were feints meant to keep the Confederates occupied while Hancock’s Second Corps hit their center. For more including a map, see A. Wilson Greene’s A Campaign of Giants: The Battle for Petersburg, Volume 1: From the Crossing of the James to the Crater, pp. 140-142. ↩
  2. SOPO Editor’s Note: I could not find Collier listed in the Compiled Service Records.  If anyone has more information, please CONTACT US or leave a comment below. ↩
  3. SOPO Editor’s Note: The civilians of Petersburg, especially on the eastern side of town closest to the Union lines, suffered almost daily shelling, especially during the early portion of the Siege.  For a good account of these events, see A. Wilson Greene’s book Civil War Petersburg: Confederate City in the Crucible of War, especially Chapter 8 starting on page 190. ↩
  4. SOPO Editor’s Note: I believe the General Hospital refers to the North Carolina General Hospital, normally utilized for North Carolina troops, but made into a receiving hospital for the whole army in the emergency situation of the early days of the Siege of Petersburg. If you have more information or if you can correct what I write here, please CONTACT US or leave a comment below. ↩
  5. SOPO Editor’s Note: Harrison was in charge of bringing provisions to units which contained soldiers from Petersburg. In John Horn’s regimental history of the 12th Virginia, “Mr. Harrison” shows up time and again to offer food and other goods to Petersburg soldiers, often in places far away from the Cockade City. ↩
  6. “Local Matters.” The Daily Express (Petersburg, VA). June 23, 1864, p. 2 col. 4 ↩
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