Gen. Gilmore Attacks Petersburgh.
The Outer Earth Works Carried
Our Loss Only a Few Hundred.
A Portion of the Petersburg Rail Road Destroyed.
FORTRESS MONROE, June 10 [1864].–Yesterday morning [June 9, 1864] a detachment of Gen. [Benjamin] Butler’s forces, under Gen. [Quincy] Gillmore, made a demonstration on Petersburg, and succeeded in carrying the enemy’s outer earthworks, with the loss of only a few hundred.
Several contrabands made their escape, and have arrived at Fort Monroe.
While General Gillmore was advancing on Petersburg, Gen. Butler sent a force which succeeded in destroying three or four miles of the Petersburg and Richmond railroad, with-out loss.1
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- “By Telegraph.” Albany Evening Journal (Albany, NY), June 11, 1864, p. 3, col. 5 ↩