Editor’s Note: This article was transcribed by Jackie Martin. Portions of the article not pertaining to the Siege of Petersburg are not reproduced below.
Has a new era begun for the cavalry of Virginia? The really brilliant and useful service which it has done within the last four weeks at least kindles the hope that organization and discipline have at last been felt in its ranks.—The want of these things—not of valour, not of good arms, not of good horses—was the cause of the eclipse. If the same strictness of (illegible) law had always been enforced in the cavalry of Virginia, its efficiency would never have been less than that of our ever glorious infantry. There are, indeed, reasons why our cavalry OUGHT to have been superior to our infantry. Certainly, the disparity of the Yankee horse to that of the Confederacy ought to have been greater than the inequality of the infantrys of the two countries.
The details, such as we have, of the splendid victory on the Southside will be found in other columns.1
- No Title. Richmond Examiner. July 1, 1864, p. 2 col. 3 ↩