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LT: September 25, 1864 Daniel Personius

Editor’s Note: This item is part of a collection of letters from New York engineers written while their units were at the Siege of Petersburg.  Researcher and Engineer enthusiast Dan O’Connell generously donated all of the items in this collection for use at The Siege of Petersburg Online.  These transcriptions are copyrighted by Brett Schulte and may not be used without my express written consent.  I do not have images of these letters so some errors could be from transcription or in the original.

Camp near City Point
September 25, 1864

Dear Parents

I am seated for the purpose of writing to you. I am well at present and hope these few lines will find you the same. I have just received a paper from you and there is some tobacco in it. I am smoking some of it now . I did receive a letter from you yesterday. I came from the front yesterday. Charly was well then Charly received a letter from the captain yesterday stating he was at Elmira. He and Ella and was boarding at the Brainerd house. We are going to get our pay today or tommorrow. I will have quite a handful, six months pay and forty dollars bounty.

I can’t think of no more to write at present so good bye at present. This is from your son in the army.

P.S. One of our boys was [wounded?] and died of his wound. His name was John Millspaw he died day before yesterday and the boys has sent him home.

Co. A 50 NYV. ENG1


Other Letters Written  By Daniel Personius at the Siege of Petersburg:


  1. Personius, Daniel. (1864, September 25). (Letter to his parents). Personius Brothers Letters (CL 105, Box B, Folder 38). Booth Library, Chemung Valley (NY) Historical Society, Elmira, NY. ↩
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