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Soldier Studies Collection (Chris Wehner)

The Soldier Studies web site (http://www.soldierstudies.org) collects and publishes letters written during the Civil War:

This site is dedicated to the preservation of American Civil War information, particularly the correspondences, diaries and letters of soldiers who served in the field and elsewhere. We hope that by providing a comprehensive and searchable archive of this information a more complete picture of one of the bloodiest chapters in American history can be better understood by researchers, archivists, historians and students alike.

Owner/editor Chris Wehner was kind enough to grant me written permission to publish a selection of letters from his site which focus on the Siege of Petersburg.  Look for letters to appear here during the 150th anniversary of the Siege of Petersburg and beyond. These letters may not be reused without the express written consent of Chris Wehner.  All rights reserved.


Siege of Petersburg Letters From www.soldierstudies.org

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