Editor’s Note: This item is part of a collection of letters and diary entries from soldiers of the 8th New York Heavy Artillery written while the unit was at the Siege of Petersburg. Researcher and author Kathryn Lerch generously donated all of the items in this collection for use at The Siege of Petersburg Online.
Lieut. T. J. Dean Letter July 17, 18641:
Sunday noon July 17th 1864
In the field near Petersburg Va
Dear Friends
. . . I wrote while on pickett the 14th and sed I would write again when we moved positions so acording to promise I write this letter knowing you expect it. We are now about two miles on the right of where we were when I last wrote. we are in camp that is our tents are up what we have got. so we are enjoying ourselves verry finely. how long we shall stop is unsertain. I dont think long for I think another flank movement is under prepperation and will come off the first of next week. We started out the other or night before last and destroyed all the Fortifications in the road along the line on our right. we had 32 lbs balls throwed at us by the Rebs but they done no damage. All the Boys are very well. Gillis is getting better so as to be around soon. I havent aney news to write. Give my best wishes to all. I close From the Soldier Lt T J Dean