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Octave Bruso Diary: Week of July 31, 1864

Note: This is one week’s worth of diary entries of Octave Bruso, who participated in the Siege of Petersburg as a member of the 50th New York Engineers.1

Sunday July 31, 1864

Hot day. Wrote to my wife and to Henry Inman. Recieved a letter from my wife, and one from my brother Augustin.


Monday August 1, 1864

Warm day. Wrote to my wife. Wrote to my Brother. Went out in the evening to the front with Lt. W.C. Pollard.


POLLARD, WILLIAM C.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1861, at Maine; mustered in as sergeant, Co. H , September 7, 1861, to serve three years; transferred to Co. E, November 1,

1861; mustered in as second lieutenant, to date November 14, 1862; first lieutenant, to date March 1,1864; mustered out October 31,1864, at City Point, Va.; commissioned second lieutenant,

October 30, 1862, w i t h rank from September 19, 1862, vice Holden, resigned; first lieutenant, March 23, 1864, with rank from March 1, 1864, vice Dexter, promoted. (Report of the Adjutant General)


Tuesday August 2, 1864

Pleasent day. Wrote to Snyder and Co.  (Editor: unclear) for a pair of Boots. Went out riding in the evening with Capt. Hines (sic: Hine). Corporal of the Guard- II nd (Editor: unclear) Relief.


HINE, ORRIN E.—Age, 25 years. Enrolled, August 26, 1861, at Maine; mustered in as first lieutenant, Go. E, August 29, 1861, to serve three years; as captain, to date August 7, 1862; mustered out, March 6, 1865, at City Point, Va.; commissioned first lieutenant, October 14, 1861, with rank from August 29, 1861, original; captain, July 19, 1862, with rank from July 6, 1862, Vice Gilbert, resigned; major, April 11,1865, with rank of same date, vice Ford, resigned; not mustered. (Report of the Adjutant General)


Wednesday August 3, 1864

Warm day. Came off from guard at 6 P.M. Went out riding with Lt. Pollard. Recieved a letter from my wife and a paper from Henry.


Thursday August 4, 1864

Cool day. Wrote to my wife. Wrote to Washington to the Marines. Went out to work, all night.


Friday August 5,1864

Hot Day. In camp all day. Went out riding with Lt. Pollard in the evening.


Saturday August 6,1864

Warm day. In camp all day. Went out to HdQrs in the evening after papers. Recieved a letter from my… (Editor: page ripped)


  1. “1864 Diary of Private Octave Bruso, 50th NY Engineers, Company E” edited by Tom Bauerle, Buffalo, NY, 2010. ↩
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