Name: The Second Battle of Deep Bottom
Other Names: New Market Road, Fussell’s Mill, Bailey’s Creek, Charles City Road, and White’s Tavern
Location: Henrico County
Campaign: Richmond-Petersburg Campaign (June 1864-March 1865)
Date(s): August 13-20, 1864
Principal Commanders: Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock [US]; Gen. Robert E. Lee and Maj. Gen. Charles Field [CS]
Forces Engaged: Corps
Estimated Casualties: 4,600 total
Description:During the night of August 13-14, the Union II Corps, X Corps, and Gregg’s cavalry division, all under command of Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock, crossed James River at Deep Bottom to threaten Richmond, coordinating with a movement against the Weldon Railroad at Petersburg. On August 14, the X Corps closed on New Market Heights while the II Corps extended the Federal line to the right along Bailey’s Creek. During the night, the X Corps was moved to the far right flank of the Union line near Fussell’s Mill. On August 16, Union assaults near Fussell’s Mill were initially successful, but Confederate counterattacks drove the Federals out of a line of captured works. Heavy fighting continued throughout the remainder of the day. Confederate general John Chambliss was killed during cavalry fighting on Charles City Road. After continual skirmishing, the Federals returned to the southside of the James on the 20th, maintaining their bridgehead at Deep Bottom.
Result(s): Confederate victory1
The Second Battle of Deep Bottom: August 14, 1864:
The Federals Advance on New Market Heights
Note: Click to see maps of the Second Battle of Deep Bottom, which should help you follow along with the action.
Brief Summary: On June 21st, Grant ordered Foster’s Brigade of Butler’s Army of the James to cross the James from Bermuda Hundred — and establish a bridgehead at Deep Bottom. Deep Bottom is a piece of land next to James River and is about ten or eleven miles from Richmond and posed a major threat to Richmond since the bridgehead could be reinforced at any time and the Federals could mount expeditions from it to capture Richmond. The Confederates on hand were commanded by Gen. Custis Lee. They did not even attempt to drive the Federals back across the river.
In late July 1864 Grant sent the X Corps and Sheridan’s cavalry to threaten Richmond. He hoped to force Lee to recall troops from Early’s army in the Shenandoah Valley. The result was the First Deep Bottom Campaign of July 27-29, 1864. Although they won two minor battles, the Federals failed to capture Richmond. However, they did succeed in forcing to Lee to strip his Petersburg defenses of most of his infantry, and this deception allowed Burnside to attack on July 30th with only three Confederate divisions opposing him.
Grant launched the Second Deep Bottom Campaign because he mistakenly thought that Lee had sent several divisions of infantry to reinforce Early in the Shenandoah Valley. Grant sent the II Corps, part of the X Corps and Gregg’s cavalry division to threaten Richmond and force Lee to recall the infantry divisions from Early.
Early on the morning of August 14th, the X Corps crossed the pontoon at Deep Bottom and attacked the skirmishers from Field’s division who composed the Confederate left flank. These skirmishers were deployed along the Kingsland Road, half a mile south of the main Confederate entrenchments on New Market Heights. The X Corps drove in the skirmishers and the Confederates fell back to New Market Heights.

Map Created By Julie Krick for Richmond Battlefields Association’s Fussell’s Mill Page
Portions of Anderson’s Georgia Brigade occupied the Confederate left and defended some seacoast howitzers the Confederates had assembled to shell Deep Bottom. The Georgians were driven back and the howitzers were captured.
Shortly after this action ended, Hancock’s II Corps landed from ocean going steamers at Tilgman’s Wharf and two divisions threatened the Confederate left flank. A cavalry brigade succeeded in repulsing two Union attacks and gave the Confederates time to shift Field’s infantry to the left. Two of Anderson’s regiments helped repulse the final Union attack of August 14th below Fussell’s Mill on the Darbytown Road.2
The Second Battle of Deep Bottom: August 15, 1864:
Union Tenth Corps Shifts to the Right at Fussell’s Mill
Note: Click to see maps of the Second Battle of Deep Bottom, which should help you follow along with the action.
Brief Summary: The initial fighting on August 14 along New Market Heights (X Corps vs. Field) and southwest of Fussell’s Mill (II Corps vs. Gary’s Cavalry Brigade and Anderson’s GA Brigade) resulted in a Union halt far earlier than Federal commander Winfield Scott Hancock had planned. In an effort to make some headway and spring the Union cavalry free, Hancock was instructed by General Grant to shift the X Corps from west of Four Mile Creek and facing north against New Market Heights, over to the right of II Corps east of Bailey’s Creek.

Once in position, the X Corps would attack the Confederate lines just north of Fussell’s Mill and attempt to turn their left flank. This movement took most of the day on August 15, longer than Hancock had planned for. The delays were attributable to the extreme heat and the decision by Tenth Corps commander David Birney to have his brother William Birney’s trailing division pass by Terry’s leading division at Strawberry Plains and then lead the march to Fussell’s Mill.
By the time David Birney’s Tenth Corps reached his assigned jump off point, he had lost a third of his men to the heat. To make matters worse, a Rooney Lee’s cavalry division had reached the Confederae left flank on Charles City Road from Petersburg, where it drove back Gregg’s cavalry protecting the Union right. William Birney detached an infantry brigade from his division to neutralize this threat to the rear. He also sent a white brigade and a black regiment to turn the Confederate infantry’s left north of Fussell’s Mill. These Union troops not only didn’t attack, but fired into each other mistakenly. These and other concerns meant the attack planned for August 15 would have to wait until August 16.
The Second Battle of Deep Bottom: August 16, 1864:
The Battle of Fussell’s Mill
Note: Click to see maps of the Second Battle of Deep Bottom, which should help you follow along with the action.
Brief Summary: August 16, 1864, day three of the Second Deep Bottom Campaign, is often referred to as “The Battle of Fussell’s Mill,” especially on the Confederate side. This makes sense since most of the fighting on August 16, 1864 took place in the vicinity of that location. As you may recall, Birney’s Tenth Corps, Army of the James had spent the previous day marching from the Union extreme left to the Union extreme right in the vicinity of Fussell’s Mill, but had not made it in time to launch an attack. They were in position and waiting as morning came on August 16.
The game plan for the Confederate defense under Charles Field for August 16 was to respond to Union thrusts and rush troops to those locations, leaving other areas lightly defended or not defended at all. Hancock was hoping for this strategy. In fact, his plan for the day took this strategy into account. He wished to attack north of Fussell’s Mill with X Corps and along Charles City Road with a combined cavalry/infantry attack at dawn, and when the Confederates rushed troops to defend against these, he would order Mott and his Second Corps division to assault the (hopefully undefended or weakly defended) Confederate works to the west at New Market Heights. Thomas Smyth’s Second corps division stretched thin to connect Mott on the far left at Tilghman’s Gate with Birney’s Tenth Corps on the far right at Fussell’s Mill. Barlow’s division was held in reserve in the center.
To guard against these attacks, Field had his own division plus brigades from several other divisions and Gary’s cavalry. He had shifted his man line of defense from New Market Heights, facing south, to Fussell’s Mill and the Charles City Road, facing east, to counter the Union movements of August 15.
The Union attack up Charles City Road kicked off first at 6 a.m., consisting of one cavalry brigade and one infantry brigade. This attack pushed back the 9th Virginia Cavalry, then picketing the road against just such a push. The fighting continued to the afternoon, by which point the Confederates had been driven well down the Charles City Road, and into Field’s left rear. However, the timely arrival of Rooney Lee’s cavalry division, previously pegged for a trip to the Shenandoah Valley to join Early, stabilized the situation.
Meanwhile, the main infantry fight of the day took place to the west at Fussell’s Mill.
This Union division sized infantry assault was led by Brigadier General Alfred H. Terry. He had his own 1st Division, X Corps as well as Col. Calvin Craig’s 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, II Corps. The initial intent was to attack at Fussell’s Mill, but the area behind the mill was well defended and protected on its left (the Union right) b the large mill pond. Terry took quite a bit of time moving north of the mill pond to launch his attack due west, into trenches defended in a single line by Wright’s Georgia Brigade, recently placed under the command of brand new Brigadier General Victor Girardey.
There were several false starts in the morning in which the Union 3rd Brigade/1st Division/X Corps under John Foster captured several north-south ravines in front of the main Confederate line, but failed to capture the main line itself. This had all happened by a little after 11 am. Terry, upon reconnoitering, wanted to try to move further north to flank this line, but X Corps commander David Birney ordered an assault. Terry obliged, sending in all four brigades under his command at noon. They achieved a breakthrough as Girardey’s Georgians melted away after only one volley. Part of Lane’s Brigade to te north, temporarily under the command of Colonel Barbour, also gave way.

Map Created By Julie Krick for Richmond Battlefields Association’s Fussell’s Mill Page3
Confederate commander Charles Field was lounging on the ground behind the line when his aide suddenly told him their lines had broken. Field sprung into action and ordered up reinforcements from the left (north) and right (west) to hasten to Girardey’s aid. His article in Volume 14 of the Southern Historical Society Papers contained the famous phrase “only a miracle could save us,” a thought Field considered immediately upon learning of the breakthrough and his current troops dispositions. By 12:30, three Union brigades (Pond, Hawley, and Craig) had formed a semi-circular defense west of the captured Confederate line. Foster’s Brigade to their left had been stopped by Sanders’ Alabama Brigade, posted on a bluff and with its left flank partially protected by a steep ravine. That ravine would prove troublesome for the Federals, and they ultimately never advanced further. Division commander Terry left the field of battle at this time in person to request reinforcements from his Corps commander David Birney.
By the time Field’s ordered up reinforcements arrived, Girardey was dead. He had been shot in the head by Ohio sharpshooters while trying to hold his line together. John Gregg, commanding Field’s division, managed to send along portions of Law’s Alabama Brigade, Bratton’s South Carolina Brigade, Benning’s Georgia Brigade. From the north came Lane’s North Carolinians and Conner’s South Carolinians. In addition, Anderson’s Georgia Brigade had regiments on both sides of the rupture. Together, they slowly but surely pushed Terry’s leaderless division back east to the Confederate works. Terry came back trailed by two brigades of infantry (Coan’s and Osborn’s), but they were unable to do much to stem the tide of the battle. By 2 pm, the Confederates had driven the six Union brigades back to where they had started in the morning. Only a line of X Corps cannon which supported the advance discouraged further Confederate pursuit.
Hancock, who had planned to have Mott take advantage if the Confederates wekened the New Market Heights line west of Fussell’s Mill, only first telegraphed Mott at 1:50 pm. Mott’s Second Corps Division, over 4,000 men, made a feeble attempt against three of Bratton’s SC Brigade regiments numbering less than 1,000, but soon gave up. Hancock, upon learning of Birney’s repulse, ordered another attack at 5 pm, but later postponed and then cancelled it at 5:50 pm.
The major fight of the Second Deep Bottom Campaign was over. The Union forces lost 1583 men at Fussell’s Mill and elsewhere in the area to the Confederates’ loss of 917. One more round of fighting would occur in the area on August 18, but the main fighting would shift south of Petersburg on the Weldon Railroad at Globe Tavern, where Grant’s left hook fell after this right jab at Deep Bottom. Lee’s reinforcements sent north of the James to combat Hancock were sorely missed on the Weldon Railroad. But that fighting is set to be discussed in a few days right here at the Siege of Petersburg Online. Stay tuned.
The Second Battle of Deep Bottom: August 18, 1864:
Lee Counterattacks at Fussell’s Mill
Note: Click to see maps of the Second Battle of Deep Bottom, which should help you follow along with the action.
Brief Summary: On August 18, 1864, as Gouverneur Warren’s Fifth Corps was taking the Weldon Railroad at Globe Tavern and preparing for massive Confederate counterattacks south of Petersburg, General Lee was himself in command of Confederate forces north of the James River at Fussell’s Mill, intent on sending cavalry around Winfield Hancock’s right flank. Once Hancock became aware of the threat and retreated, Lee would deliver an infantry assault at Fussell’s Mill in an attempt to cut Hancock off from the James River and deal him a severe blow.
The day did not go according to plan, and an 11 am assault turned into a belated and feeble attack at 5 pm. Lee’s troops never even reached Hancock’s main line. Wade Hampton’s cavalry, directed to penetrate Hancock’s rear on the Charles City Road, was blocked by Gregg’s cavalry as well.
Once Lee learned of Warren’s attacks at Petersburg, his attention, and many of the troops then north of the James near Fussell’s Mill, were moved south to combat a new threat. This one had the potential to cut the Southerners off from supplies via the Weldon Railroad, one of only a few remaining supply lines they possessed into Richmond and Petersburg.
After a few more days in position, Hancock withdrew his forces on August 20, and the northern wing of Grant’s Fourth Offensive had ended. As a diversion, the Second Deep Bottom Campaign is at least a partial success. If you consider Hancock’s goals upon setting out on the evening of august 13, however, it must be deemed a complete failure.
Full Summary (Bryce Suderow)4: On June 21st, Grant ordered Foster’s Brigade of Butler’s Army of the James to cross the James from Bermuda Hundred — and establish a bridgehead at Deep Bottom. Deep Bottom is a piece of land next to James River and is about ten or eleven miles from Richmond and posed a major threat to Richmond since the bridgehead could be reinforced at any time and the Federals could mount expeditions from it to capture Richmond. The Confederates on hand were commanded by Gen. Custis Lee. They did not even attempt to drive the Federals back across the river.
In late July 1864 Grant sent the X Corps and Sheridan’s cavalry to threaten Richmond. He hoped to force Lee to recall troops from Early’s army in the Shenandoah Valley. The result was the First Deep Bottom Campaign of July 27-29, 1864. Although they won two minor battles, the Federals failed to capture Richmond. However, they did succeed in forcing to Lee to strip his Petersburg defenses of most of his infantry, and this deception allowed Burnside to attack on July 30th with only three Confederate divisions opposing him.
Grant launched the Second Deep Bottom Campaign because he mistakenly thought that Lee had sent several divisions of infantry to reinforce Early in the Shenandoah Valley. Grant sent the II Corps, part of the X Corps and Gregg’s cavalry division to threaten Richmond and force Lee to recall the infantry divisions from Early.
Early on the morning of August 14th, the X Corps crossed the pontoon at Deep Bottom and attacked the skirmishers from Field’s division who composed the Confederate left flank. These skirmishers were deployed along the Kingsland Road, half a mile south of the main Confederate entrenchments on New Market Heights. The X Corps drove in the skirmishers and the Confederates fell back to New Market Heights.
Portions of Anderson’s Georgia Brigade occupied the Confederate left and defended some seacost howitzers the Confederates had assembled to shell Deep Bottom. The Georgians were driven back and the howitzers were captured.
Shortly after this action ended, Hancock’s II Corps landed from ocean going steamers at Tilgman’s Wharf and two divisions threatened the Confederate left flank. A cavalry brigade succeeded in repulsing two Union attacks and gave the Confederates time to shift Field’s infantry to the left. Two of Anderson’s regiments helped repulse the final Union attack of August 14th below Fussell’s Mill on the Darbytown Road.
On August 15th, Hancock shifted the X Corps from the Union left to the Union right and on the 16th, the X Corps attacked the Confederate line above Fussell’s Mill. The Confederates gave way and the X Corps occupied their trenches, but the Federals attempts to penetrate into the Confederate rear were halted, partly due to the efforts of two of Anderson’s regiments. Anderson’s brigade helped recapture the lost Confederate works.
This was the end of the Second Battle of Deep Bottom, although further skirmishing continued until Hancock’s Federals withdrew on August 20th. Again Lee shifted most of his army north of James River to protect Richmond — and the weakened Confederates at Petersburg were unable to prevent Warren’s V Corps from occupying the Weldon Railroad.
- 8th GA: The Military Memoirs of a Confederate Line Officer: Captain John C. Reed’s Civil War from Manassas to Appomattox
- The Petersburg Campaign: The Destruction of The Weldon Railroad: Deep Bottom, Globe Tavern, and Reams Station: August 14-25, 1864 by John Horn
First Person Accounts:
Siege of Petersburg Documents Which Mention This Battle:
- 150 Years Ago Today at Petersburg: August 13, 1864
- 150 Years Ago Today at Petersburg: August 14, 1864
- 150 Years Ago Today at Petersburg: August 15, 1864
- 150 Years Ago Today at Petersburg: August 16, 1864
- 150 Years Ago Today: Second Battle of Deep Bottom: August 15, 1864
- 150 Years Ago Today: Second Battle of Deep Bottom: August 16, 1864
- 150 Years Ago Today: Second Battle of Deep Bottom: August 18, 1864
- 150 Years Ago Today: The Second Battle of Deep Bottom, Day 1: August 14, 1864
- 864hab: Union Forces Battle of Deep Bottom 13-20 August 1864
- 8th GA: The Military Memoirs of a Confederate Line Officer: Captain John C. Reed’s Civil War from Manassas to Appomattox
- The Petersburg Campaign: The Destruction of The Weldon Railroad: Deep Bottom, Globe Tavern, and Reams Station: August 14-25, 1864 by John Horn
- Author Interview: John Horn, Author of The Siege of Petersburg: The Battles for the Weldon Railroad, August 1864
- Book Notes: History of the Eighty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1865
- Book Review: Such Hard and Severe Service: The 85th Pennsylvania in the Civil War, Volume II, 1864-1865 by Dan Clendaniel
- Book Review: The Military Memoirs of a Confederate Line Officer: Captain John C. Reed’s Civil War from Manassas to Appomattox edited by William R. Cobb
- Book Review: The Siege of Petersburg: The Battles for the Weldon Railroad, August 1864 by John Horn
- BTC Notes: History of the One Hundred and Fifth Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers
- CLARK NC: 18th North Carolina at the Siege of Petersburg
- CLARK NC: 28th North Carolina at the Siege of Petersburg
- CLARK NC: 33rd North Carolina at the Siege of Petersburg
- CLARK NC: 37th North Carolina at the Siege of Petersburg
- CLARK NC: 7th North Carolina at the Siege of Petersburg
- Confederate Army Strength at Second Deep Bottom by Bryce Suderow
- CV: V33N4: The Battle Near Deep Bottom, Va.
- CV: V37N8: With the Palmetto Riflemen
- George S. Gove Letter: August 28, 1864
- ITINERARY: 85th Pennsylvania
- John Foskett Reviews John Horn’s New Book on Grant’s Fourth Offensive at Petersburg
- LT: August 16, 1864 Theodore Lyman
- LT: September 16, 1864 Homer A. Plimpton (39th Illinois)
- MAP: 2nd Deep Bottom (Horn 2nd Ed.): Barlow’s First Attacks Noon-2 p.m., August 14, 1864
- MAP: 2nd Deep Bottom (Horn 2nd Ed.): Fussell’s Mill 12:30-1:00 p.m., August 16, 1864
- MAP: 2nd Deep Bottom (Horn 2nd Ed.): Macy’s Attack 5:30 p.m., August 14, 1864
- MAP: 2nd Deep Bottom (Horn 2nd Ed.): Terry Attacks the Confederate Picket Line 7:30 a.m., August 14, 1864
- MAP: The Second Battle of Deep Bottom (RBA): August 14, 1864, 4 P. M.
- MAP: The Second Battle of Deep Bottom (RBA): August 16, 1864, Noon
- Maps of the 2nd Battle of Deep Bottom from John Horn’s New Petersburg Book
- MOLLUS IL V2: The Negro as a Soldier by William E. Furness
- NP: April 15, 1907 Charleston (SC) News and Courier: The Truth About the Battle of the Crater (64th GA)
- NP: August 18, 1864 Brockport (NY) Republic: War News
- NP: August 23, 1864 Detroit Free Press: From the Seventh Infantry
- NP: August 26, 1864 Augusta (GA) Daily Constitutionalist: Letter from Anderson’s Brigade
- NP: July 31, 1889 Evening Gazette (Cedar Rapids, IA): The Siege of Petersburg
- NP: July 8, 1891 Charleston (SC) News and Courier: 7th South Carolina Cavalry at the Siege of Petersburg, Part 1
- NP: May 13, 1908 St. Johnsville NY News: John Reardon Diary (115th NY): July 18-August 17, 1864
- NP: May 20, 1908 St. Johnsville NY News: John Reardon Diary (115th NY): August 18-September 25, 1864
- NP: November 4, 1864 The Bedford Inquirer: Co. E, 76th PA Casualties from July 6-August 16, 1864
- NP: October 20, 1869 Washington (PA) Reporter: 140th Pennsylvania at the Siege of Petersburg, Part 4
- NP: October 27, 1869 Washington PA Reporter: 140th Pennsylvania at the Siege of Petersburg, Part 5
- NP: September 10, 1864 Anglo-African: From the 29th Connecticut Regiment
- NP: September 17, 1884 The Clarion (Jackson, MS): The Death Grapple at Petersburg: Last Days of Harris’ Mississippi Brigade, Part 2
- NP: September 2, 1864 Richmond Examiner: 24th Virginia Cavalry at the Battle of Fussell’s Mill, August 14
- NP: September 2, 1864 Richmond Examiner: Battle of Fussell’s Mill
- NP: September 2, 1864 The Bedford Inquirer: 76th PA at Fussell’s Mill, August 16, 1864
- Octave Bruso Diary: Week of August 7, 1864
- OR LI P1: Report of Colonel Richard N. Batchelder, Chief Quartermaster, AotP, June 30, 1864 – June 30, 1865
- OR XLII P1 #100: Reports of Bvt. Brigadier General Robert McAllister, commanding 3/3/II/AotP, Aug 13-20 and 25, Sept 9-10, Oct 1-5 and 24-28, Nov 5, and Dec 7-12, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #102: Report of Captain Thomas C. Godfrey, 5th NJ, August 13-20, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #107: Report of Captain A. Judson Clark, Btty B 1st NJ Lt Arty, commanding Arty/II/AotP, August 12-26, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #109: Report of Captain Edvin B. Dow, 6th ME Btty, August 12-27, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #10: Report of Surg. Thomas A. McParlin, U. S. Army, Medical Director, Army of the Potomac, August 1-December 26, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #112: Reports of Captain Christian Woerner, 3rd NJ Btty, August 12-27, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #113: Report of Capt Nelson Ames, Btty G 1st NY Lt Arty, August 12-28, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #115: Report of Captain John E. Burton, 11th NY Btty, August 12-26, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #116: Report of First Lieutenant George K. Dauchy, 12th NY Btty, August 12-27, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #117: Report of Captain R Bruce Ricketts, Bttyy F 1st PA Lt Arty, August 12-27, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #119: Reports of Lieutenant John W. Roder, Btty K 4th US Arty, Aug 12-27 and Oct 26-28, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #120: Report of Lieutenant W. Butler Beck, Btty C and I 5th US Arty, Aug 12-27 and Oct 25-27, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #12: Reports of Major Benjamin F. Fisher, Chief Signal Officer, AotP, August 1-October 31, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #13: Report of Captain Peter A. Taylor, Signal Officer, August 12-25, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #17: Reports of Major General Winfield S. Hancock, commanding II/AotP, August 12-October 28, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #18: Report of Brigadier General Francis C. Barlow, commanding 1/II/AotP, August 13-17, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #19: Reports of Brigadier General Nelson A. Miles, commanding 1/II/AotP, August 12-26, October 27-30, and December 9-10, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #1: Report of Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant, commanding US Army, August 9-December 11, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #22: Report of Major James Fleming, 28th MA, August 13-20, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #231: Report of Asst. Surg. Elias J. Marsh, Surgeon-in-Chief, 2/Cav/AotP, July 30-Dec 12, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #232: Reports of Brigadier General Henry E. Davies, Jr., commanding 1/2/Cav/AotP, Aug 1-27, Oct 26-29, Nov 24, and Dec 7-12, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #235: Reports of Bvt. Brigadier General J. I. Gregg, 16th PA Cav, commanding 2/2/Cav/AotP, July 30-Aug 16, Nov 16, and Dec 7-12, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #236: Reports of Colonel Michael Kerwin, 13th PA Cav, commanding 2/2/Cav/AotP, Aug 1-20 and Oct 26-27, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #238: Report of Captain George C. Eckert, 2nd Pa Cav, August 1-31, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #23: Report of Captain Lucius H. Ives, 26th MI, August 13-20, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #24: Report of Major James E. Larkin, 5th NH, July 26-30 and August 13-20, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #250: Reports of Maj. Gen. David B. Birney, commanding X/AotJ, Aug 14-19 and Oct 1-2, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #254: Report of Col. Joshua B. Howell, 85th PA, commanding 1/1/X/AotJ, August 18-21, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #255: Reports of Col. Francis B. Pond, 62nd OH, commanding 1/1/X/AotJ, Aug 13-16 and Oct 13, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #257: Report of Capt. Lewis T. Whipple, 39th IL, August 13-20, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #259: Report of Lieut. Col. Samuel B. Taylor, 62nd OH, August 13-14, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #25: Report of Captain Oscar F. Hulser, 2nd NYHA, August 12-21, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #260: Report of Maj. Francis M. Kahler, 62nd OH, August 14-16, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #261: Report of Capt. Henry R. West, 62nd OH, August 16-21, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #263: Report of Col. Alvin C. Voris, 67th OH, August 14-20, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #265: Report of Lieut. Col. Edward Campbell, 85th PA, August 14-20, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #269: Report of Captain John Thompson, 7th CT, August 13-16, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #26: Reports of Major George Hogg, 2nd NYHA, August 14 and December 9-10, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #270: Reports of Captain Seager S. Atwell, 7th CT, Aug 17-21, Sept 28-Oct 7, Oct 13 and 27-28, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #272: Reports of Lieutenant Colonel James F. Randlett, 3rd NH, Aug 14-17, Sept 29, and Oct 1, 7, 13, and 27-28, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #273: Reports of Colonel Joseph C. Abbott, 7th NH, Aug 13-20 and Oct 13, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #275: Report of Brigadier General Robert S. Foster, commanding 3/1/X/AotJ, August 14-21, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #277: Reports of Colonel John L. Otis, 10th CT, Aug 1, 14-20, and Oct 13, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #27: Report of Captain William Church, 4th NYHA, August 13-20, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #280: Reports of Colonel Harris M. Plaisted, 11th ME, August 3-14, 14-16, and 18-19, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #282: Report of Colonel Andrew W. Evans, 1st MD Cav (dm), August 14-20, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #283: Report of Captain J. Crosby Maker, 24th MA, August 14, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #284: Report of Captain George W. Gardner, 24th MA August 14-21, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #286: Report of Colonel George B. Dandy, 100th NY, August 14-20, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #290: Report of Lieutenant Colonel William B. Coan, 48th NY, commanding 2/2/X/AotJ, August 16, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #293: Report of Captain Samuel M. Zent, 13th IN, August 14-16, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #29: Reports of Major George W. Scott, 61st NY, August 13-20 and December 9-10, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #303: Reports of Major George E. Wagner, 8th USCT, Aug 14-21, Sept 28-30, and Oct 13, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #306: Report of Lieutenant Charles R. Doane, 4th NJ Btty, August 14-18, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #30: Reports of Colonel William Wilson, 81st PA, August 13-20 and December 9-10, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #310: Reports of Lieutenant Redmond Tully, Btty D 1st US Arty, Aug 13-14 and Oct 7, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #311: Report of Lieutenant Joseph P. Sanger, Btty D 1st US Arty, August 15-20, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #32: Reports of Colonel George T. Egbert, 183rd PA, August 14-20 and December 9-10, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #33: Reports of Lieutenant Colonel Joseph M. Murphy, 7th NYHA, August 12-25, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #34: Reports of Captain Horatio N. Hunt, 64th NY, August 13-20 and 22-26, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #350: Medals of Honor, August 1-December 31, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #351: Reports of General Robert E. Lee, commanding Army of Northern Virginia, Aug 16-Dec 27, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #35: Report of Captain Albert Gosse, 66th NY, August 12-21, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #361: Report of Brigadier General John Bratton, commanding Bratton/Field/First/ANV from July 30-Dec 31, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #367: Itinerary of Hardaway Light Artillery Battalion, Aug 13-Dec 31, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #370: Report of Colonel James R. Hagood, 1st SC (Hagood’s), Aug 14-Dec 10, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #37: Reports of Captain Philip H. Schreyer, 53rd PA, August 12-26, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #38: Report of Captain David W. Megraw, 116th PA, August 13-20, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #40: Reports of Captain James H. Hamlin, 145th PA, August 12-25, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #41: Report of Captain Alfred A. Rhinehart, 148th PA, August 13-20, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #44: Report of Major Richard Moroney, 69th NY, August 12-October 30, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #45: Report of Major John W. Byron, 88th NY, commanding 3rd Provisional Regiment, August 14, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #46: Report of Colonel Thomas A. Smyth, 1st DE, commanding 2/II/AotP, August 12-20, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #49: Reports of Lieutenant Colonel Horace P. Rugg, 59th NY, commanding 1/2/II/AotP, Aug 12-26 and Oct 26-28, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #50: Reports of Captain Joseph W. Spaulding, 19th ME, August 12-25, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #52: Reports of Lieutenant Colonel Edmund Rice, 19th MA, August 12-25, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #58: Report of Captain William S. Burt, 152nd NY, August 12-21, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #5: Reports of Major General George G. Meade, commanding AotP, August 1-December 12, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #62: Report of Captain Austin Cannon, 36th WI, August 14-20, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #64: Reports of Colonel Matthew Murphy, 182nd NY, commanding 2/2/II/AotP, August 12-26, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #66: Report of Lieutenant Colonel Francis E. Pierce, 108th NY, commanding 3/2/II/AotP, August 14-21, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #68: Reports of Lieutenant Colonel Samuel A. Moore, 14th CT, August 15-16, 25, and October 27, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #6: Itinerary of the Army of the Potomac and Army of the James, August 1-December 31, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #77: Reports of Bvt. Major General Gershom Mott, commanding 3/II/AotP, Aug 12-19, Sept 10, Oct 1-5 and 24-28, and Dec 6-12, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #7: Number 7. Return of Casualties in the Union Forces, Aug. 13-20, 18-21, 25, Sep. 29-30, Oct. 7, 13, 27-28, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov. Dec. 1864
- OR XLII P1 #81: Reports of Brigadier General P. Regis de Trobriand, commanding 1/3/II/AotP, Aug 13-20, Oct 26-28, and Dec 7-12, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #82: Report of Colonel John Pulford, 5th MI, commanding 2/3/II/AotP, August 14-17, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #84: Reports of Major Nathaniel Shatswell, 1st MAHA, Aug 15-16, Sept 30-Oct 5, and Oct 27, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #85: Report of Major Daniel S. Root, 5th MI, August 15-17, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #87: Reports of Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin C. Butler, 93rd NY, Aug 15-16 and Oct 27, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #88: Report of Captain Alanson H. Nelson, 57th PA, August 15-17, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #91: Report of Lieutenant Colonel George Zinn, 84th PA, August 15-16, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #93: Report of Captain Charles E. Patton, 105th PA, August 15-17, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #96: Reports of Lieutenant Colonel Casper W. Tyler, 141st PA, Aug 15-16 and Oct 1-5 and 27, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #97: Report of Captain John Wilson, 1st USSS, August 15-16, 1864
- OR XLVI P1 #1: Report of Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant, commanding U.S. Army, March 1864-May, 1865
- Review: The 13th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry C.S.A. by Mike Wadsworth
- SHS Papers: Volume 14: Campaign of 1864 and 1865 by Charles W. Field
- The 48th Alabama at Fussell’s Mill, August 16, 1864
- The Second Battle of Deep Bottom CWPT Map
- The Second Battle of Deep Bottom Wikipedia Map: August 14-20, 1864
- The Second Battle of Deep Bottom: August 14-20, 1864
- UPR: Report of Captain Edward F. Lovill, 28th North Carolina, Lane’s Brigade, of operations August 18, 1864
- UPR: Report of Captain James A. Summers, 33rd North Carolina, Lane’s Brigade, of operations August 18, 1864
- UPR: Report of Captain James G. Harris, 7th North Carolina, Lane’s Brigade, of operations August 18, 1864
- UPR: Report of LtCol John W. McGill, 18th North Carolina, Lane’s Brigade, of operations August 18, 1864
- UPR: Report of Major Jackson L. Bost, 37th North Carolina, Lane’s Brigade, of operations August 18, 1864
- CWSAC Battle Summary
- Summary for the Second Battle of Deep Bottom used with permission by Bryce Suderow.
- This map was created and is owned by Julie Krick and was made for the private use of the Richmond Battlefields Association. It is used here with the written permission of Ms. Krick and the Richmond Battlefields Association and may not be reproduced in any form without her express written consent. All rights reserved.
- Summary for the Second Battle of Deep Bottom used with permission by Bryce Suderow
Thomas jefferson rolls was killed at the second battle of deep bottom va. on aug 14, 1864. How can i find out where he is buried?
Thank You
I apologize, but the burial of the dead around Petersburg and their eventual final resting places are not topics I’ve studied in any detail. I would suggest emailing Petersburg National Battlefield. I bet the Park Rangers there will be able to tell you where soldiers were buried. It would help if you include the soldiers unit when sending that email. I also invite other readers to weigh in if you know the answer to Tina’s question.