September 29, 1864
The Battle of Chaffin’s Farm, as Lieut. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, USA, sends the 10th and 18th US Army Corps north of the James River to attack the outer defenses of Richmond directly, including combats at:
a) Fort Harrison (captured by Brig. Gen. George Stannard, USA)
b) Fort Gilmer (where the Confederates halt the Union advance)
c) New Market Heights
d) Laurel Hill
the Richmond, VA, Campaign. 9/29-30-1864.
The Confederate lines, already pressured, are further stretched to the breaking point.
Brig. Gen. Hiram Burnham, USA, is mortally wounded as he led his men against the Confederate outer defense works of Richmond, VA, at Fort Harrison.
The Battle of Poplar Spring Church, including combats at Wyatt’s, Peebles’, and Pegram’s Farms, Chappell House, and the Vaughan Road, Richmond, VA, Campaign as Lieut.. Gen. A. P. Hill, CSA, beats back the Union offensive. However, the Union lines are extended which further stretches the already thin Rebel lines.
Note: All “Today In The Petersburg Campaign” blog entries are used with permission from Ronald A. Mosocco’s Chronological Tracking of the American Civil War per the Official Records of the War of the Rebellion. Order the book HERE.
Copyright © 1993, 1994 by Ronald A. Mosocco
Mentions of This Date at The Siege of Petersburg Online:
- 150 Years Ago Today: Battle of Chaffin’s Farm: September 29, 1864
- A Quick Note on Fort Harrison and New Market Heights
- At What Battle Did Black Civil War Soldiers Earn the Most Medals of Honor?
- BEARSS MAP: The Battle of Chaffin’s Farm, Map 2: September 29, 1864 Midnight to 6:30 am
- BEARSS MAP: The Battle of Chaffin’s Farm, Map 3: September 29, 1864 6:30 to 7:30 am
- BEARSS MAP: The Battle of Chaffin’s Farm, Map 4: September 29, 1864 7:30 am to Noon
- BEARSS MAP: The Battle of Chaffin’s Farm, Map 5: September 29, 1864 Noon to 5:30 pm
- BEARSS MAP: The Battle of Chaffin’s Farm, Map 6: September 29, 1864 5:30 pm to Midnight
- BEARSS MAP: The Battle of Chaffin’s Farm, Map 10: September 29, 1864 7:30 am
- BEARSS MAP: The Battle of Chaffin’s Farm, Map 11: September 29, 1864 7:30 am to Noon
- BEARSS MAP: The Battle of Chaffin’s Farm, Map 12: September 29, 1864 Noon to 5:30 pm
- BEARSS MAP: The Battle of Chaffin’s Farm, Map 13: September 29, 1864 5:30 to 9 pm
- Bearss Maps from Richmond National Battlefield
- Book Notes: History of the Eighty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1865
- Book Review: Combat 2: Union Infantrymen Versus Confederate Infantrymen: Eastern Theater 1861-65
- Book Review: Fort Harrison and the Battle of Chaffin’s Farm
- BTC Notes: Combat 2: Union Infantrymen Versus Confederate Infantrymen: Eastern Theater 1861-65
- CLARK NC: 1st North Carolina Cavalry at the Siege of Petersburg
- CLARK NC: 8th North Carolina at the Siege of Petersburg
- CLARK NC: 26th North Carolina at the Siege of Petersburg
- CLARK NC: 31st North Carolina at the Siege of Petersburg
- Combat 2: Union Infantrymen Versus Confederate Infantrymen: Eastern Theater 1861-65
- CT AG 64-65: Report of Lieutenant Colonel James F. Brown, 21st Connecticut, of operations September 3, 1864 to April 10, 1865
- CV: V12N6: What Five Confederates Did at Petersburg (Fort Gilmer)
- CV: V12N12: The Fight at Fort Gilmer
- CV: V13N3: That Fight at Fort Gilmer
- CV: V13N6: The Assault Upon Fort Gilmer
- CV: V13N9: Two Boys of the Fifth Texas Regiment (Fort Gilmer)
- CV: V13N9: Assault on Fort Gilmer
- CV: V13N9: The Attack of Fort Harrison
- CV: V13N9: Fight at Chaffin’s Farm, Or Fort Harrison
- CV: V13N9: Judge Martin’s Report Approved (Fort Gilmer)
- CV: V13N9: Story of a Boy Captain (Fort GIlmer)
- CV: V13N9: That Fort Gilmer Fight
- CV: V21N10: Fort Harrison
- CV: V25N1: Texas and Arkansas at Fort Harrison
- Petersburg Medals of Honor: The Fall of Fort Harrison
- Petersburg Medals of Honor: A Message Delivered Under Difficulty
- Petersburg Medals of Honor: Thought Only of Saving the Flag
- Petersburg Medals of Honor: The Story of a Youthful Hero
- Fort Harrison and the Battle of Chaffin’s Farm: To Surprise and Capture Richmond by Douglas Crenshaw
- FRASER MAG: A Visit to General Butler and the Army of the James, Part the First
- General Butler’s Plan of Attack for September 29, 1864
- ITINERARY: 85th Pennsylvania
- LT: September 29, 1864 Luke Ostrye
- LT: September 29, 1864 Theodore Lyman
- LT: October 2, 1864 Spencer G. Welch (13th South Carolina)
- LT: October 3, 1864 Theodore Lyman
- MAP: The Battle of Fort Harrison (RBA): September 29, 1864
- MAP: Battle of Chaffin’s Farm, Sept. 29th 1864
- MHSM Papers V5: The Siege of Petersburg after the Capture of the Weldon Railroad by Brevet Brigadier-General Francis A. Walker
- MOLLUS IL V2: The Negro as a Soldier by William E. Furness
- MOLLUS MA V1: Fourteen Months’ Service with Colored Troops by Solon A. Carter
- MOLLUS MA V1: The Capture of Richmond by R. B. Prescott
- MOLLUS RI V7: The Negro as a Soldier by George R. Sherman
- The Battle of New Market Heights: Freedom Will Be Theirs by the Sword by James S. Price
- NP: October 1, 1864 Philadelphia Inquirer: The War, September 28-30
- NP: October 1, 1864 Philadelphia Inquirer: War Bulletin, September 27-30, 1864
- NP: October 3, 1864 Philadelphia Inquirer: AP Reports, September 29-30
- NP: October 3, 1864 Philadelphia Inquirer: Latest War News, September 29
- NP: October 3, 1864 Philadelphia Inquirer: The Left Wing, Poplar Springs Church, September 29
- NP: October 3, 1864 Philadelphia Inquirer: The Right Wing, Chaffin’s Farm, September 29
- NP: October 12, 1864 Richmond Sentinel: Chaffin’s Bluff, Oct. 8
- NP: October 13, 1864 Richmond Sentinel: Chaffin’s Bluff, Oct. 11
- NP: October 21, 1864 The Bedford Inquirer: Co. H, 208th PA at the Siege of Petersburg, Late September 1864
- NP: December 9, 1864 The Bedford Inquirer: 55th PA at Bermuda Hundred, Second Petersburg and Chaffin’s Farm, May-November, 1864
- NP: January 27, 1865 Burlington (VT) Free Press: The Capture of Fort Harrison, Sept. 29
- NP: July 31, 1889 Evening Gazette (Cedar Rapids, IA): The Siege of Petersburg
- NP: May 27, 1908 St. Johnsville NY News: John Reardon Diary (115th NY): September 26-December 5, 1864
- NP: July 25, 1919 Adirondack Record (Au Sable, NY): The 118th NY at Chaffin’s Farm and Second Fair Oaks
- NP: February 25, 1925 Potsdam NY Courier and Freeman: Orlando P. Benson Diary, 92nd NY, Part 3
- NP: February 26, 1953 Sandy Creek (NY) News: Thomas Moore (96th NY) at the Siege of Petersburg, Part 2
- NP: September 30, 1964 Petersburg Progress-Index: Siege Centennial, Part 30: Inching Toward Victory
- NT: November 26, 1881 National Tribune: Capture of Fort Harrison – How the Rebels Failed to Retake It
- NT: August 26, 1882 National Tribune: Cool in the Midst of Danger
- NT: October 28, 1886 National Tribune: The Capture of Fort Harrison, Sept. 29
- NT: March 22, 1888 National Tribune: Fort Harrison, How It Was Taken, Sept. 29
- NT: May 24, 1888 National Tribune: Fort Harrison, Gen. Clay Corrects a Pennsylvania Comrade
- NT: May 2, 1889 National Tribune: Planting the Flag at Fort Harrison, Sept. 29
- NT: July 31, 1890 National Tribune: Army of the James at Fort Harrison, Sept. 29
- OR XL P1 #244: Reports of Colonel Henry L. Abbot, 1st CTHA, commanding Siege Train, June 14-October 31, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #1: Report of Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant, commanding US Army, August 9-December 11, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #6: Itinerary of the Army of the Potomac and Army of the James, August 1-December 31, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #7: Number 7. Return of Casualties in the Union Forces, Aug. 13-20, 18-21, 25, Sep. 29-30, Oct. 7, 13, 27-28, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov. Dec. 1864
- OR XLII P1 #10: Report of Surg. Thomas A. McParlin, U. S. Army, Medical Director, Army of the Potomac, August 1-December 26, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #12: Reports of Major Benjamin F. Fisher, Chief Signal Officer, AotP, August 1-October 31, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #44: Report of Major Richard Moroney, 69th NY, August 12-October 30, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #194: Report of Captain Charles Waite, 27th MI, Sept 29-Oct 9, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #213: Report of Brigadier General Simon G. Griffin, commanding 2/2/IX/AotP, Sept 29-Oct 16, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #222: Report of Captain Adelbert B. Twitchell, 7th ME Btty, Aug 1-Oct 31, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #224: Report of Captain Edward W Rogers, 19th NY Btty, Aug 1-Oct 31, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #228: Reports of Captain Samuel H. Rhoads, Btty D PA Lt Arty, Aug 1-Oct 28, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #231: Report of Asst. Surg. Elias J. Marsh, Surgeon-in-Chief, 2/Cav/AotP, July 30-Dec 12, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #234: Report of Major Myron H. Beaumont, 1st NJ Cav, Sept 29-Oct 3, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #246: Reports of Captain Henry R. Clum, Signal Corps, Chief Signal Officer, AotJ, Sept 1-Oct 31, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #247: Reports of Bvt. Major Peter S. Michie, Corps of Engineers, Acting Chief Engineer, Aug 1-Dec 20, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #249: Report of Col. Edward W. Serrell, 1st NY Eng, Sept 27-Oct 5, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #266: Reports of Col. Joseph C. Abbott, 7th NH, commanding 2/1/X/AotJ, Sept 28-Oct 7 and Oct 27-28, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #268: Report of Colonel Alfred P. Rockwell, 6th CT, Sept 28-Oct 12, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #270: Reports of Captain Seager S. Atwell, 7th CT, Aug 17-21, Sept 28-Oct 7, Oct 13 and 27-28, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #271: Reports of Major Frederick W. Prince, 16th NYHA, Sept 28-Oct 13 and Oct 27-28, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #272: Reports of Lieutenant Colonel James F. Randlett, 3rd NH, Aug 14-17, Sept 29, and Oct 1, 7, 13, and 27-28, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #274: Reports of Lieutenant Colonel Augustus W. Rollins, 7th NH, Sept 28-Oct 7, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #288: Report of Brigadier General Robert S. Foster, commanding 2/X/AotJ, Sept 28-Oct 4 and Oct 27-28, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #289: Report of Lieutenant Colonel Albert M. Barney, 142nd NY, commanding 1/2/X/AotJ, Sept 28-Oct 3, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #291: Reports of Colonel Galusha Pennypacker, 97th PA, commanding 2/2/X/AotJ, Sept 28-Oct 1 and Oct 27-28, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #292: Reports of Colonel Louis Bell, 4th NH, commanding 3/2/X/AotJ, Sept 28-Oct 1 and Oct 27-28, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #295: Report of Colonel James Shaw, Jr., 7th USCT, September 28-30, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #297: Report of Captain Edwin S. Babcock, 9th USCT, September 29-30, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #301: Reports of Lieutenant Colonel Henry C. Ward, 29th CT, Sept 29-30 and Oct 13, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #303: Reports of Major George E. Wagner, 8th USCT, Aug 14-21, Sept 28-30, and Oct 13, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #314: Reports of Major General Edward O. C. Ord, commanding XVIII/AotJ, Aug 5 and Sept 28-29, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #317: Report of Bvt. Major General George J. Stannard, commanding 1/XVIII/AotJ, September 29-30, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #320: Report of Major Normand Smith, 13th NH, September 29-30, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #326: Report of Major Joseph C. Brooks, 9th VT, Sept 29-Oct 7, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #331: Report of Captain Albert Janes, 22nd USCT, September 29-30, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #333: Report of Colonel Alonzo G. Draper, 36th USCT, commanding 2/3/XVIII/AotJ, September 29, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #348: Report of Captain George B. Easterly, 4th WI Btty, Aug 1-Sept 30, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #350: Medals of Honor, August 1-December 31, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #353: Report of Brigadier General William N. Pendleton, Arty/ANV, August 10-December 31, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #355: Report of Major D. B. Bridgford, commanding Prov/ANV, Sept 29-Oct 1, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #358: Diary of the First Corps, Army of Northern Virginia Aug 1-Oct 18, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #361: Report of Brigadier General John Bratton, commanding Bratton/Field/First/ANV from July 30-Dec 31, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #362: Reports of Major General Bushrod R. Johnson, commanding Johnson/DNCSV, Aug 2-Dec 31, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #366: Report of Brigadier General John Gregg, commanding Gregg/Field/First/ANV, September 29, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #367: Itinerary of Hardaway Light Artillery Battalion, Aug 13-Dec 31, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #369: Report of Lieutenant General Richard S. Ewell, commanding Department of Richmond, September 29, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #370: Report of Colonel James R. Hagood, 1st SC (Hagood’s), Aug 14-Dec 10, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #374: Reports of Major General Wade Hampton, C. S. Army commanding Cav/ANV, Aug 25, Sept 14-17, Sept 29-Oct 1, Oct 27-28, and Dec 7-11, 1864
- OR XLVI P1 #1: Report of Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant, commanding U.S. Army, March 1864-May, 1865
- SHS Papers: Volume 1: Attack on Fort Gilmer, September 29, 1864 by Charles Johnston
- SHS Papers: Volume 14: Campaign of 1864 and 1865 by Charles W. Field
- The Battle of Chaffin’s Farm: September 29-30, 1864
- The Battle of New Market Heights: September 29, 1864
- The Battle of New Market Heights Wikipedia Map: September 29, 1864
- UPR: Richard S. Ewell’s Description of the Battle of Fort Harrison, September 29, 1864
- VT Proceedings: The Colored Troops in the War of the Rebellion by J. H. Goulding