Appomattox Court House National Historical Park
145th Anniversary of the Surrender Events
April 8, 2010 – April 12, 20101
Thursday, April 8, 2010
10:20 a.m. Six Questions About Appomattox: The Three most asked and the three important questions never asked by Warren Taylor
11:20 a.m. The Retreat to Appomattox by Joe Williams
12:20 p.m. Last at Appomattox: North Carolinians at the Surrender by Chris Bingham
1:20 p.m. The Battles of Appomattox Station and Appomattox Court House by Patrick Schroeder
2:20 p.m. The First Truce Flag and the Custer-Longstreet Encounter by Joe Williams
3:20 p.m. The Surrenders and Events After Appomattox by Chris Bingham
Living History Programs, Thursday, April 8, 2010
11:50 a.m. Dr. Christian, Appomattox Civilian, by James Godburn
1:50 p.m. Dr. Christian, Appomattox Civilian, by James Godburn
3:50 p.m. Dr. Christian, Appomattox Civilian, by James Godburn
Friday, April 9, 2010
10:20 a.m. The Surrender Meeting by Candace Hart
11:20 a.m. Last at Appomattox: North Carolinians at the Surrender by Chris Bingham
12:20 p.m. The Battles of Appomattox Station and Appomattox Court House by Patrick Schroeder
1:20 p.m. Leadership and the Surrender Meeting by Ernie Price
2:20 p.m. The Surrenders and Events After Appomattox by Alyssa Holland
3:20 p.m. Six Questions About Appomattox: The Three most asked and the three that should be asked by Warren Taylor (or sub. “Village Tour”)
Living History Programs, Friday, April 9, 2010
10:50 a.m. Jennie Peers, Appomattox Civilian by Tabitha Donelson
11:50 a.m. Federal Soldier with the 85th Pennsylvania by Chris Case
12:50 p.m. Jennie Peers, Appomattox Civilian by Tabitha Donelson
1:50 p.m. Federal Soldier with the 85th Pennsylvania by Chris Case
2:50 p.m. Jennie Peers, Appomattox Civilian by Tabitha Donelson
3:50 p.m. Federal Soldier with the 85th Pennsylvania by Chris Case
Saturday, April 10, 2010 (Children’s Acitivity Station all day at the Tavern Guesthouse)
10:20 a.m. Sheridan’s Scouts by Bert Dunkerly
11:20 a.m. “Boots and Kisses” Richard Watkins of the 3rd Virginia Cavalry portrayed by Jeff Toalson (book signing to follow)
12:20 p.m. The Fate of the Confederate Battle Flags by Bert Dunkerly
1:20 p.m. The Battles of Appomattox Station and Appomattox Court House by Patrick Schroeder
2:20 p.m. “Boots and Kisses” Richard Watkins of the 3rd Virginia Cavalry portrayed by Jeff Toalson (book signing to follow)
3:20 p.m. Battle of Appomattox Court House walking tour by Bert Dunkerly
* Ongoing through the day: Printing Presses and Paroles by Candace Hart
(at the Clover Hill Tavern)
Living History Programs, Saturday, April 10, 2010
10:50 a.m. Jennie Peers, Appomattox Civilian by Tabitha Donelson
11:50 a.m. Federal Soldier with the 85th Pennsylvania by Chris Case
12:50 p.m. Jennie Peers, Appomattox Civilian by Tabitha Donelson
1:50 p.m. Federal Soldier with the 85th Pennsylvania by Chris Case
2:50 p.m. Jennie Peers, Appomattox Civilian by Tabitha Donelson
3:50 p.m. Federal Soldier with the 85th Pennsylvania by Chris Case
Sunday, April 11, 2010 – (Children’s Acitivity Station all day at the Tavern Guesthouse)
9:50 a.m. Six Questions About Appomattox: The Three most asked and the three that should be asked by Warren Taylor
10:50 a.m. The Surrender Meeting by Mike Brennan
11:50 a.m. Beginning of the End: Lee’s Surrender at Appomattox, An Overview by Alyssa Holland
1:00 p.m. Stacking of the Arms by the 24th Virginia Infantry
1:30 p.m. Parole distribution to the 24th Virginia Infantry
2:00 p.m. Guest Speaker of the 24th Virginia Infantry
3:20 p.m. Ely Parker: Warrior in Two Camps by David Wooldridge
* Ongoing through the day: Printing Presses and Paroles by Candace Hart
Living History Programs, Sunday, April 11, 2010
9:20 a.m. Thomas Tibbs of the 34th Virginia Infantry by Chris Bingham
11:20 a.m. Thomas Tibbs of the 34th Virginia Infantry by Chris Bingham
Monday, April 12, 2010
9:20 a.m. The Stacking of Arms by Bert Dunkerly
10:20 a.m. Curator’s Tour by Joe Williams
11:20 a.m. The Surrender Meeting by Mike Brennan
12:20 p.m. Village Tour by Warren Taylor
1:20 p.m. Leadership and the Surrender Meeting by Ernie Price
2:20 p.m. Six Questions About Appomattox: The Three most asked and the three important questions never asked by Warren Taylor
3:20 p.m. Joshua Chamberlain and the Stacking of Arms by Patrick Schroeder
* Ongoing through the day: Printing Presses and Paroles by Candace Hart
Living History Programs, Monday, April 12, 2010
11:50 a.m. Dr. Christian, Appomattox Civilian, by James Godburn
1:50 p.m. Dr. Christian, Appomattox Civilian, by James Godburn
3:50 p.m. Dr. Christian, Appomattox Civilian, by James Godburn
145th Anniversary of the Surrender Events
April 17, 2010 – April 18, 2010
This weekend, the re-enactment groups of the 26th NC Infantry and a Confederate Artillery unit, and Union soldiers from Vincent’s Brigade will be encamped in the village starting Friday night, April 16. Activities for the weekend will include cooking, military inspections, and drill. Re-enactors will also demonstrate weapons and battle tactics on the site of the last battle, including a demonstration of Confederate artillery. Local Civil War collector Russell Hicks will have a display of Civil War artifacts at the Tavern Guesthouse.
Schedule of Events:
Saturday, April 17
10:00 Union Weapons Demonstration
11:30 Confederate Weapons Demonstration
1:30 Battle Tactical Demonstration
3:00 Surrender Ceremony – Stacking of Arms along the Stage Road
4:00 Issuing Rations
6:30 Free Evening Concert at the McLean House performed by the 26th N.C. Infantry Brass Band (bring blankets or chairs). The entrance fee into the park will be waived after 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, April 18
8:30 Ceremony at North Carolina Monument
10:00 Union Weapons Demonstration
12:00 Artillery Demonstration
1:00 Surrender Ceremony – Stacking of Arms along the Stage Road
- Appomattox Court House National Historic Site PDF: