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OR XLII P1 #59: Report of Major Timothy O’Brien, 152nd NY, August 25, 1864

No. 59. Report of Major Timothy O’Brien, One hundred and fifty-second New York Infantry, of operations August 25.1

HEADQUARTERS 152nd NEW YORK VOLUNTEERS, Near Petersburg, Va., August 28, 1864.

CAPTAIN: I have the honor to report the following operations of this command in the engagement at Raems’ Station, Va., on the 25th day of August:

During the first and second charges of the enemy the regiment was in line with the brigade in support of the First Division, occupying a position behind an embankment on the east side of the Weldon railroad. After the second charge of the enemy the regiment moved with

the brigade to the left to support the Third Brigade of this division, Soon after the regiment was detached from the brigade and ordered to report to General Miles to support the skirmish line of the First Division. In obedience to said orders, under the direction of an aide of General Miles’ staff, the regiment took a position on the west side of the railroad near the white house. Soon after a charge was made by the enemy and captured a portion of the works on our left. The regiment then changed front forward on tenth company and took a position to enfilade that portion of our works then occupied by the enemy, and held that position, keeping up a brisk fire until the enemy got possession of the works in our rear, which had been previously held by a portion of the First Division. Upon the works being recaptured by our troops the regiment, with a portion of other regiments, rallied and took up its former position by the house. There it remained until dark, when it retired to the works in our rear and was ordered to report to the brigade.

Very respectfully,


Major, Commanding Regiment.

Captain J. E. CURTISS,

Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, First Brigade.


  1. The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Volume XLII, Part 1 (Serial Number 87), pages 313-314 ↩
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