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OR XL P1 #273: Report of Colonel Josiah Pickett, 25th MA, June 13-18, 1864

Numbers 273. Report of Colonel Josiah Pickett, Twenty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry, First Brigade,of operations June 13-18.1

New Berne, N. C. December 16, 1864.

SIR: *

Embarking again on transports on the 13th [June], were landed at Point of Rocks, on the Appomattox River, on the night of the 14th.

At 2 a.m. on the 15th took up line of march for Petersburg, crossing the Appomattox, an commenced skirmishing with the enemy at 8 a.m. Advancing under a severe fire from the enemy’s artillery to within a short distance of their works we halted and remained during the day exposed to the scorching rays of the sun and the enemy’s fire, which was kept up at intervals until sundown, when a furious fire from our artillery was opened and the works carried by assault, the Twenty-fifth capturing two 12-pounder Napoleon guns, with caissons complete. Loss, 1 killed, 1 officer and 17 men wounded.

Nothing of note occurred until the 18th; the brigade was then ordered farther to the right for the purpose of capturing another line of works. A charge was made, but repulsed with a loss to the regiment of 6 killed, 1 officer and 12 men wounded.#

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Colonel Twenty-fifth Regiment Massachusetts.


*For portion of report here omitted, see Vol. XXXVI, Part I, p. 1016.

#For continuation of report, see Vol. XLII, Part I.



  1. The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Volume XL, Part 1 (Serial Number 80), page 719 ↩
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