Editor’s Note: Brett Schulte recently noticed this report transcribed online among the James H. Lane Papers at the Auburn University Archives web site. Permission was asked for and granted by Auburn University Libraries, Department of Special Collections & University Archives to reproduce these transcriptions here at The Siege of Petersburg Online. These transcriptions are copyrighted by Auburn University Libraries, Department of Special Collections & University Archives and may not be reproduced without their express written consent. The transcription attribution reads as follows: “Transcriptions made by Terri Stout-Stevens, Pfafftown, NC, in 1997 and 1998. Edited by Marty Olliff, Assistant Archivist, Auburn University, who takes all responsibility for any errors.”
Unpublished Report of LtCol John W. McGill, 18th North Carolina, Lane’s Brigade, of operations August 18, 18641
Hd Qrs 18th N.C. Regt
Sept 20th 1864
In compliance with circular just received I have the honor to submit the following account of the part taken by the 18th N.C. Regiment in the action of August 18 1864 near Fussells Mils, Va. About 4 oclock P.M. I received orders to hold my command in readiness to move at a moment’s warning and shortly afterwards I was instructed connect with Gen Harris Brigade on the right and to conform to the movements of the left. About 5 oclock P.M. the order was given to advance. The 18th moved steadily forward driving in the enemy’s skirmishers and capturing about twenty (20) prisoners until it was ordered to halt.
The casualties were one mortally wounded and one slightly. In all two(2).
I have the honor to be Capt
Very Respctly
Your obdt Servant
John W. McGill
Lt Col Comdg 18th N.C.T.
Capt E.J. Hale Jr