Numbers 44. Report of Major Richard Moroney, Sixty-ninth New York Infantry, of operations August 12-October 30.1
December 27, 1864.
[August 12, 1864,] broke camp and marched to City Point, Va.: embarked on transports for Deep Bottom. On the 14th instant attacked the enemy, at Deep Run. Remained there until the evening of the 20th instant, when the regiment recrossed the James River and proceeded to the Weldon railroad.
Battle of Deep Run: Commissioned officers-wounded, 1. Enlisted men-killed, 1; wounded, 4.
August 22, 1864, engaged in tearing up the Weldon railroad. On August 25 the regiment was engaged with the enemy, and on the same evening fell back and was encamped in front of Petersburg up to August 31, 1864.
Battle of Reams’ Station, August 25, 1864: Commissioned officers-wounded 1; missing 2. Enlisted men-wounded, 5; missing, 44.
Lay in front of Petersburg until the 7th day of September when we broke camp and marched to the Jones house in front of Petersburg, Va., doing fatigue duty until the night of the 10th instant. Then marched to a position in rear of the Jones house, doing fatigue on the fortifications until September 12, 1864. Marched to a position in rear of Fort Sedgwick. Remained there doing picket and fatigue duty until the morning of the 29 instant. Thence to Fort Morton and occupied the fort, also the line on both flanks for 500 or 600 yards. Remained there until the 26th of October, 1864. Thence to Fort Davis, occupying the fort and doing picket duty on the lines until the night of October 30, 1864. Then marched to a position in the rear line, remaining there at the present date. On the night of October 30, 1864, the picket in front of Fort Davis was captured by the enemy, which comprised 1 commissioned officer, 2 acting officers, and in or about 160 comprised men belonging to this regiment.
I have the honor to be, &c.,
Major, Commanding Sixty-ninth New York Volunteers.
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, Second Brigade.
*For portion of report here omitted, see Vol. XXXVI, Part I, p. 393, and Vol. XL, Part I, p. 350.