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OR XL P1 #30: Report of Lt. Colonel William Wilson, 81st PA, July 26-30, 1864

No. 30.

Report of Lieutenant Colonel William Wilson, Eighty-first Pennsylvania Infantry, of operations July 26-30.1

September 27, 1864.

CAPTAIN: Agreeable to circular from brigade headquarters, I have the honor to report that, having received marching orders on the 26th of July, at 5 p. m., we took our line of march toward Deep Bottom, crossing the Appomattox by the pontoon bridge and crossing the James at 2 a. m. the next morning, when, after a farther march of about a mile, we encamped in a field.

During the 27th the regiment supported the skirmish line, and at night took up position in the woods.

On the 28th we supported the division pickets, and on the 29th we returned to the breast-works, where we remained till evening, taking up our line of march to the rear of the Eighteenth Corps, remaining there until dark on the evening of the 30th, no casualties occurring.*

I am, captain, respectfully, your obedient servant,

Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding.

Assistant Adjutant-General.


*For continuation of report, see Vol. XLII, Part I.



  1. The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Volume XL, Part 1 (Serial Number 80), page 343 ↩
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