Name: First Battle of Deep Bottom
Other Names: Darbytown, Strawberry Plains, New Market Road, Gravel Hill
Location: Henrico County
Campaign: Richmond-Petersburg Campaign (June 1864-March 1865)
Date: July 27-29, 1864
Principal Commanders: Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock [US]; Maj. Gen. Charles Field [CS]
Forces Engaged: Corps
Estimated Casualties: 1,000 total
Description: During the night of July 26-27, the Union II Corps and two divisions of Sheridan’s cavalry under command of Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock crossed to the north side of James River to threaten Richmond. This demonstration diverted Confederate forces from the impending attack at Petersburg on July 30. Union efforts to turn the Confederate position at New Market Heights and Fussell’s Mill were abandoned when the Confederates strongly reinforced their lines and counterattacked. During the night of July 29, the Federals recrossed the river leaving a garrison as heretofore to hold the bridgehead at Deep Bottom.
Result: Confederate victory1
The First Battle of Deep Bottom: July 27, 1864:
The Federals Take Four Twenty Pound Parrotts
Note: Click to see maps of the First Battle of Deep Bottom, which should help you follow along with the action.
Brief Summary: In late June 1864, the brigade of Brigadier General Robert Foster established a bridgehead over the James at Deep Bottom, just north of the Bermuda Hundred lines of the Union Army of the James. Grant’s purpose was to get Lee to extend his lines to cover the approaches to Richmond from the southeast, weakening his defenses elsewhere. This drew Lee’s attention, but his instructions to Department of Richmond commander Richard S. Ewell went mostly unheeded, other than to send artillery to fire into the bridgehead and Union shipping on the James River.
On July 23, a second brigade was thrown into this bridgehead and it was expanded to occupy the positions the Confederate artillery had established. And Grant had even bigger plans. A few days later, he told Army of the Potomac commander George G. Meade that he wanted “a demonstration on the north side of the James River, having for its real object the destruction of the railroad on that side.” The railroad Grant referred to was the Virginia Central, and he planned to use a force consisting of two divisions of Winfield Scott Hancock’s Second Corps as well as two of Phil Sheridan’s Cavalry divisions, Torbert’s and Gregg’s, all from the Army of the Potomac. The railroad would be destroyed where possible, and the bridges over the Chickahominy River would be destroyed.
The mine Henry Pleasants and his 48th Pennsylvania had been digging since late June was nearly complete, and this operation might also draw Confederate strength north of the James, reducing he Confederate forces east of Petersburg near where the mine explosion was soon to take place.

Drawn in Adobe Illustrator CS3 by Hal Jespersen. Graphic source file is available at
In the days leading up to the demonstration, Lee had ordered Kershaw’s First Corps division to assault and attempt to dislodge the Union bridgehead at Deep Bottom. Some small scale fighting occurred, but no results were gained by the Confederates. The bridgehead still existed.
On the early morning of Jul 27, Hancock utilized that bridgehead to launch his “demonstration,” though not without some odd tactical decisions. (See Dan O’Connell’s article on First Deep Bottom for details.) Hancock crossed on the “lower” pontoon bridge, further east and away from the main line of advance. From there, he advanced across Strawberry Plains against a Confederate position on the Long Bridge Road. A reinforced Federal skirmish line (1st Brigade, 1st Division, Second Corps) captured the 1st Rockbridge VA Artillery, a battery of four 20-lb Parrott rifles. After this Confederate force had been routed, the division of John Gibbon pursued down the Long Bridge Road to Bailey’s Creek. At this point they managed to scatter another Confederate Battery and cross the creek. However, a strong Confederate battle line was drawn up about half a mile from the creek, and Hancock decided against even attempting it. Instead, he detailed some units to explore how far north the Confederate left flank ran. The 26th Michigan, tabbed for this duty, was unsuccessful in the effort. Hancock dug in at nightfall and contemplated what to do next…
The First Battle of Deep Bottom: July 28, 1864:
Confederate Infantry Attack Repelled by Union Cavalry Repeaters
Note: Click to see maps of the First Battle of Deep Bottom, which should help you follow along with the action.
Brief Summary: While the first day of the First Battle of Deep Bottom on July 27, 1864 had been primarily an infantry fight, day two on July 28 saw Confederate infantry battle Yankee cavalry. Sheridan’s two cavalry divisions had been placed on the right of the Second Corps line, and Grant planned to use at least one of them offensively. Torbert’s division would continue to cover the Union infantry’s left, while Gregg’s division utilized a little used country road to attempt to get beyond the Confederate left. The Confederates had their own plan in mind. Joseph B. Kershaw, commanding the combined Confederate forces, gathered four understrength Confederate infantry brigades, Lane, McGowan, Wofford and Kershaw’s own former brigade under Connor, to attack the Union right. Gregg’s cavalry unexpectedly ran into this force. The initial Confederate attack managed to capture one Union artillery piece when a battery was abandoned by its supporting cavalry. The heavy firepower of Union repeaters began to tell, however, and the Confederate infantry were routed, losing 200 men captured. Previously unpublished reports from three regiments of Lane’s Brigade, the 28th North Carolina, the 33rd North Carolina, and the 37th North Carolina, have been published at The Siege of Petersburg Online. Click the links above to read them.

The two days of fighting managed to pull all but three Confederate divisions north of the Appomattox River, leaving those three to defend Petersburg. Grant’s “demonstration” did not come close to achieving its main goals, but it definitely created a situation south of the Appomattox River which might be exploited after the mine explosion…which was coming in two short days.
Full Summary:
- The Battle of First Deep Bottom by James S. Price
- The Petersburg Campaign: The Battle of the Crater “the Horrid Pit” June 25-August 6, 1864 by Michael Arthur Cavanaugh
First Person Accounts:
Siege of Petersburg Documents Which Mention This Battle:
- 150 Years Ago Today at Petersburg: July 27, 1864
- 150 Years Ago Today at Petersburg: July 28, 1864
- 150 Years Ago Today at Petersburg: July 29, 1864
- 150 Years Ago Today: The First Battle of Deep Bottom, Day 1: July 27, 1864
- 150 Years Ago Today: The First Battle of Deep Bottom, Day 2: July 28, 1864
- 24th VA Cavalry: Account of July 27, 1864 Union Cavalry Demonstration Against Deep Bottom
- The Battle of First Deep Bottom by James S. Price
- The Petersburg Campaign: The Battle of the Crater “the Horrid Pit” June 25-August 6, 1864 by Michael Arthur Cavanaugh
- Book Review: A Campaign of Giants: The Battle for Petersburg, Volume 1: From the Crossing of the James to the Crater by A. Wilson Greene
- BTC Notes: History of the One Hundred and Fifth Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers
- CLARK NC: 11th North Carolina at the Siege of Petersburg
- CLARK NC: 18th North Carolina at the Siege of Petersburg
- CLARK NC: 1st North Carolina Cavalry at the Siege of Petersburg
- CLARK NC: 28th North Carolina at the Siege of Petersburg
- CLARK NC: 37th North Carolina at the Siege of Petersburg
- Deep Bottom: July 26, 1864 (36th WI Regt Hist)
- George S. Gove Letter: August 2, 1864
- July 26-30, 1864 William B. Pike (Diary)
- LT: July 28, 1864 Thomas M. Wade (1st Rockbridge VA Artillery)
- LT: July 29, 1864 Henry F. Young (7th Wisconsin)
- MAP: Grant’s Operations on the James River: Scene of Engagement near Deep Bottom, July 27 (NP: Philadelphia Inquirer)
- NP: August 1, 1864 New York Tribune: The Operations of Wednesday
- NP: August 1, 1864 Richmond Examiner: A Member of the 1st Rockbridge Artillery Defends Its Honor, July 27, 1864
- NP: August 1, 1864 Richmond Examiner: A Richmond Editor’s View of Grant’s Third Offensive
- NP: August 1, 1864 Richmond Examiner: The War News, July 27-30, 1864
- NP: August 12, 1864 The Bedford Inquirer: 110th PA at First Deep Bottom, July 26-30, 1864
- NP: August 16, 1864 Batavia (NY) Republican Advocate: More on The First Deep Bottom Operation
- NP: August 16, 1864 Batavia (NY) Republican Advocate: The First Deep Bottom Operation
- NP: August 27, 1864 Quincy Patriot: 24th Massachusetts Itinerary
- NP: August 28, 1864 Sunday Mercury (New York): The 6th New York Cavalry at First Deep Bottom, July 27-29, 1864
- NP: August 4, 1864 Baltimore Clipper: Sheridan’s Cavalry
- NP: August 6, 1864 Cape Ann Light and Gloucester Telegraph: 23rd MA And Shelling Along The Lines
- NP: August 7, 1864 Sunday Mercury (New York): The 170th New York at First Deep Bottom, July 1864
- NP: August 8, 1864 Charleston (SC) Mercury: Casualties in South Carolina Units, June-August 1864
- NP: August 9, 1864 Detroit Free Press: From the Seventh Infantry
- NP: December 6, 1896 Birmingham Age-Herald: The 10th Alabama at the Siege of Petersburg
- NP: July 28, 1864 Richmond Examiner: Telegraphic Reports, July 23-27, 1864
- NP: July 28, 1864 Richmond Examiner: The War News, July 27
- NP: July 29, 1864 Richmond Examiner: Telegraphic Reports, July 28, 1864
- NP: July 29, 1864 Richmond Examiner: Will Grant Attempt to Surprise Richmond?
- NP: July 30, 1864 New York Daily Tribune: Bermuda Hundred
- NP: July 30, 1864 New York Herald: Mr. A. Davidson’s Dispatches
- NP: July 30, 1864 New York Herald: Mr. Finley Anderson’s Dispatch
- NP: July 30, 1864 New York Herald: Mr. S. Cadwallader’s Dispatch
- NP: July 30, 1864 New York Tribune: Butler’s Headquarters
- NP: July 30, 1864 New York World: Special Dispatch to the World
- NP: July 30, 1864 Philadelphia Inquirer: A Battle on the James
- NP: July 30, 1864 Richmond Examiner: Casualties in Gary’s Cavalry Brigade, July 27, 1864
- NP: July 30, 1864 Richmond Examiner: The War News, July 23-24 and 27-28, 1864
- NP: July 31, 1864 New York Times: In Bivouac
- NP: July 8, 1891 Charleston (SC) News and Courier: 7th South Carolina Cavalry at the Siege of Petersburg, Part 1
- NP: May 13, 1908 St. Johnsville NY News: John Reardon Diary (115th NY): July 18-August 17, 1864
- NP: October 13, 1869 Washington (PA) Reporter: 140th Pennsylvania at the Siege of Petersburg, Part 3
- NP: October 20, 1869 Washington (PA) Reporter: 140th Pennsylvania at the Siege of Petersburg, Part 4
- NT: October 18, 1883 National Tribune: Who Will Write Up the Deep Bottom Fights
- OR LI P1: Report of Captain Michael Beahen, 8th NJ, July 26-29, 1864
- OR LI P1: Report of Colonel Richard N. Batchelder, Chief Quartermaster, AotP, June 30, 1864 – June 30, 1865
- OR XL P1 #100: Report of Major John G. Hazard, 1st RI Lt Arty, commanding Arty/II/AotP, July 1-30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #101: Report of Captain Edwin B. Dow, 6th ME Btty, June 13-July 31, 1864
- OR XL P1 #102: Report of Captain J. Henry Sleeper, 10th MA Btty, June 13-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #105: Report of Captain Nelson Ames, Btty G 1st NY Lt Arty, June 12-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #1: Report of Lt Gen U. S. Grant June 13-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #226: Report of Brigadier General David McM. Gregg, commanding 2/Cav/AotP, July 7-30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #227: Report of Asst. Surg. Elias J. Marsh, 2/Cav/AotP, July 19-30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #228: Report of Brigadier General Henry E. Davies, Jr., commanding 1/2/Cav/AotP, July 26-30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #229: Report of Colonel J. Irvin Gregg, 16th PA Cav, commanding 2/Cav/AotP, July 6-30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #23: Reports of Captain James Fleming, 28th MA, June 13-July 31, 1864
- OR XL P1 #242: Report of Lieutenant William N. Dennison, Btty A 2nd US Arty, July 28, 1864
- OR XL P1 #24: Report of Major Nathan Church, 26th MI, June 12-July 31, 1864
- OR XL P1 #255: Reports of Brigadier General Robert S. Foster, commanding 3/1/X/AotJ, July 11-12 and 23-29, 1864
- OR XL P1 #256: Report of Colonel John L. Otis, 10th CT, July 26-27, 1864
- OR XL P1 #257: Report of Colonel Harris M. Plaisted, 11th ME, July 23-27, 1864
- OR XL P1 #25: Report of Captain Lucius H. Ives, 26th MI, July 26- 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #26: Report of Major James E. Larkin, 5th NH, June 12-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #27: Report of Major George Hogg, 2nd NY HA, June 12-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #287: Report of Lieutenant William P. Powers, 4th WI Btty, July 27-30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #28: Report of Captain Oscar F. Hulser, 2nd NY HA, July 26-31, 1864
- OR XL P1 #294: Report of Brigadier General William N. Pendleton, Arty/ANV, June 16-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #295. Diary of the First Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, June 16-July 31, 1864
- OR XL P1 #299: Report of Brigadier General John Bratton, commanding Bratton/Field/First/ANV, June 13-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #29: Report of Major George W. Scott, 61st NY, June 12-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #300: Report of Colonel James R. Hagood, 1st SC (Hagood’s), June 14-July 29, 1864
- OR XL P1 #301: Report of Colonel James P. Simms, 53rd GA, commanding Simms (Bryan)/Kershaw/First/ANV, June 23-July 29, 1864
- OR XL P1 #308: Itinerary of Hardaway Light Artillery Battalion, June 16-July 27, 1864
- OR XL P1 #30: Report of Lt. Colonel William Wilson, 81st PA, July 26-30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #310: Report of Lieutenant General Richard S. Ewell, commanding Department of Richmond, July 27, 1864
- OR XL P1 #32: Report of Captain Thomas Henry, 140th PA, June 12-July 31, 1864
- OR XL P1 #33: Reports of Lieutenant Colonel George T. Egbert, 183rd PA, June 12-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #34: Report of Major Gustavus A. Seidel, 7th NY (Veteran), July 19-30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #35: Report of Captain David A. Allen, 39th NY, June 12-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #36: Report of Captain George Degener, 52nd NY, June 13-July 26, 1864
- OR XL P1 #37: Report of Captain I. Hart Wilder (of 126th NY), 57th NY, June 16-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #38: Report of Captain Alexander Watts, 63rd NY, June 11-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #40: Report of Major Richard Moroney, 69th NY, June 13-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #41: Report of Lieutenant Colonel Denis F. Burke, 88th NY, June 16-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #42: Report of Captain Marcus W. Murdock, 111th NY, June 14-August 25, 1864
- OR XL P1 #43: Report of Captain Nelson Penfield, 125th NY, June 12-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #44: Report of Captain John B. Geddis, 126th NY, June 13-July 29, 1864
- OR XL P1 #45: Report of Lieutenant Colonel William Glenny (of the 64th NY), commanding 4/1/II/AotP, June 12-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #46: Report of Captain Horatio N. Hunt, 64th NY, July 26-30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #47: Report of Lieutenant Colonel William Glenny, 64th NY, June 14-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #48: Report of Lieutenant Simon Pincus, 66th NY, June 12-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #49: Report of Captain Albert Gosse, 66th NY, July 26-30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #50: Report of Captain Philip H. Schreyer, 53rd PA, July 26-30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #51: Report of Captain James Patton, 53rd PA, June 12-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #52: Report of Captain David W. Megraw, 116th PA, July 26-30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #53: Report of Captain Garrett Nowlan, 116th PA, June 13-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #54: Reports of Captain James H. Hamlin, 145th PA, June 12-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #55: Report of Captain James F. Weaver, 148th PA, June 12-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #56: Report of Captain Alfred A. Rhinehart, 148th PA, July 26-30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #57: Report of Major Edward A. Springsteed, 7th NYHA, June 13-July 31, 1864
- OR XL P1 #58: Report of Lieutenant Colonel Joseph M. Murphy, 7th NYHA, July 26-30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #59: Reports of Major General John Gibbon, commanding 2/II/AotP, June 12-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #5: Reports of Major General George G. Meade June 14-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #61: Report of Captain Joseph W. Spaulding, 19th ME, June 13-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #62: Report of Captain James C. Farwell, 1st MN, June 11-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #63: Reports of Major Timothy O’Brien, 152nd NY, June 12-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #66: Report of Colonel Mathew Murphy, 182nd NY, commanding 2/2/II/AotP, July 14-30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #67: Report of Major John Byrne, 155th NY, June 12-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #68: Report of Major John Beattie, 164th NY, June 12-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #69: Report of Colonel James P. McIvor, 170th NY, June 15-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #70: Report of Captain John Coonan, 182nd NY, June 12-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #71: Report of Major Erastus M. Spaulding, 8th NYHA, June 12-July 29, 1864
- OR XL P1 #72: Report of Colonel Thomas A. Smyth, 1st DE, commanding 3/2/II/AotP, June 13-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #74: Report of Captain John C. Broatch, 14th CT, June 12-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #77: Reports of Brigadier General Gershom Mott, commanding 3/II/AotP, June 22 and July 26-30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #78: Reports of Brigadier General P. Regis de Trobriand, commanding 1/3/II/AotP, June 12-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #79: Report of Captain Madison M. Cannon, 40th NY, June 12-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #80: Report of Lieutenant Colonel Michael W. Burns, 73rd NY, June 13-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #82: Report of Brigadier General Byron R. Pierce, 2/3/II/AotP, July 26-30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #83: Report of Major Nathaniel Shatswell, 1st MAHA, July 26-30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #85: Report of Colonel John Pulford, 5th MI, July 26-31, 1864
- OR XL P1 #86: Reports of Major Samuel McConihe, 93rd NY, June 13-July 31, 1864
- OR XL P1 #87: Reports of Lieutenant Colonel William B. Neeper, 57th PA, June 12-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #88: Reports of Lieutenant Colonel George Zinn, 84th PA, June 12-July 31, 1864
- OR XL P1 #89: Report of Captain John C. Conser, 105th PA, July 26-30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #90: Reports of Lieutenant Colonel Casper W. Tyler, 141st PA, June 12-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #91: Report of Captain John Wilson, 1st USSS, June 16-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #92: Report of Colonel Robert McAllister, 11th NJ, commanding 3/3/II/AotP, July 26-29, 1864
- OR XL P1 #93: Report of Major Charles C. Rivers, 11th MA, July 26-31, 1864
- OR XL P1 #94: Report of Captain Thomas C. Godfrey, 5th NJ, June 14-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #95: Reports of Captain Thomas C. Thompson, 7th NJ, June 13-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #96: Report of Major Virgil M. Healy, 8th NJ, June 12-July 30, 1864
- OR XL P1 #98: Report of Lieutenant John Schoonover, 11th NJ, June 16-July 28, 1864
- OR XLII P1 #24: Report of Major James E. Larkin, 5th NH, July 26-30 and August 13-20, 1864
- OR XLVI P1 #1: Report of Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant, commanding U.S. Army, March 1864-May, 1865
- Petersburg Medals of Honor: Three Examples of Soldierly Devotion
- Review: A History of the 3rd South Carolina Regiment: Lee’s Reliables
- Review: Into the Crater: The Mine Attack at Petersburg
- Review: The 13th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry C.S.A. by Mike Wadsworth
- Review: The Battle of First Deep Bottom
- SHS Papers: Volume 9: History of Lane’s North Carolina Brigade at Petersburg, Part 1 by James H. Lane
- Sketch of Defensive Works at Deep Bottom, Va. (OR Atlas 65:6)
- The First Battle of Deep Bottom CWPT Map
- The First Battle of Deep Bottom Wikipedia Map: July 27-29, 1864
- The First Battle of Deep Bottom: July 27-29 by Dan O’Connell
- The First Battle of Deep Bottom: July 27-29, 1864
- UPR: Report of Captain James G. Harris, 7th North Carolina, Lane’s Brigade, of operations July 28, 1864
- UPR: Report of Captain W. J. Callais, 33rd North Carolina, Lane’s Brigade, of operations July 28, 1864
- UPR: Report of LtCol John W. McGill, 18th North Carolina, Lane’s Brigade, of operations July 28, 1864
- UPR: Report of LtCol William H. A. Speer, 28th North Carolina, Lane’s Brigade, of operations July 28, 1864
- UPR: Report of Major Jackson L. Bost, 37th North Carolina, Lane’s Brigade, of operations July 28, 1864
- Washington Times Newspaper Article on the First Battle of Deep Bottom